13. Nevermind

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(Y/N)'s POV

I opened my eyes and looked around my surroundings, realizing that I didn't go back to my room last night. Now that I think about it, I can't remember clearly. When I try, everything just comes out fuzzy. I sat up to be attacked by a flash of pain from my back, my legs and between them. 'What happened last night..?' I heard the door open revealing Yoongi who carried a glass of water and something else in his hand which I couldn't see because it was in a fist.

"Oh, I'm glad you're awake and I promise I'll make it up to you.." He said walking up to me and giving me the glass and then grabbed my free hand and placed a tablet in them, then turned around and headed for the door I looked at him in confusion.

"Wait... Make it up to me...? What's this?" He didn't even bother to turn around. I sighed and looked at the tablet again. 'I doubt he'd try to kill me...Right?' I threw the pill into my mouth and took a big gulp of water. I looked at the clock on the wall, noticing it was almost dance practice. I quickly stood up and felt my legs go weak making me look like a newborn giraffe trying to the waltz. I had to sit back down. I reached in-between my legs and began rubbing my upper thigh. I stopped for a moment. Something was off. I raised the hem of the black shirt I've been wearing and gasped. I wasn't wearing any underwear, not to mention this shirt isn't even mine.
I somehow managed to get to the studio's bathroom. Standing in front of the body length mirror almost paralyzed, looking at the marks that were on my neck, almost to my jaw.

"What the hell is this?" I said out loud.

Narrator's POV

Even though (Y/N) didn't know what the things on her neck were, she still felt the need to hide them.

Yoongi's POV

I got up extra early today not because I kept hearing my phone vibrating on the table beside the chair, probably Hoseok wondering why I didn't come back to the room last night, but because of the guilt, I felt. I had never taken a person's virginity. Yeah, I've had sex with Hoseok and Jimin but they weren't virgins and even if they were, it wasn't like if they were drugged. They knew what they wanted, but not (Y/N). She didn't know what was going on. Is this considered rape? Well, she wasn't saying 'no.' So is it okay? I groaned and lifted the girl that was on my chest, then went to the wardrobe and got out one of my shirts and dressed her and myself. I picked up our clothes that were on the ground and walked out of the room. When I came from the laundry room, I went to get her medicines and gave them to her. She doesn't seem to remember what happened. After, I went to the living room. I dropped myself onto the sofa and shut my eyes.

"Yoongi-hyung, where is (Y/B/N)? Why didn't he come back to my room?" The maknae asked I assumed he was standing behind the chair.

"He fell asleep in my studio last night while recording and I was too lazy to wake him up, but you know what I did? Went to sleep too." I said with a bored tone. Jungkook was about to say something else but luckily Jin-hyung called him in time. I pulled out my phone and began scrolling through Twitter until I felt one side of the chair sink down, it was Hoseok.

"Why didn't you come back? It wasn't like you. Jimin and I had been waiting all night." He sounded really concerned.

"Sorry, the recording took longer than expected and I fell asleep."

He just made an 'o' shape with is mouth and nodded, then left.


Everyone was already in the dance room except for (Y/B/N). This made me worry. Taehyung was about to leave the room to go find her but if on cue, she burst through the door wearing a baggy, grey turtle neck top and slacked pants. I watched as she came towards us. Surprisingly, she wasn't limping as badly as I thought she would. Soon after, the dance practice began. The dance moves weren't that hard but I made sure to keep my eyes on her to make sure she wasn't in pain. She seemed fine until there was a certain part of the choreography that made her groan loudly, making everyone stop and look at her. Me being the first one to reach her, made all the people in the room shocked.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, almost in a whisper so that only she could hear.

"Yeah, my body is just hurting for some reason," she responded.

"Okay, we'll go on break now."

Jungkook and the others came up to us and looked at me weirdly. (Y/N) passed her hand through her hair and sighed.

"Sorry, I just have a headache." with that, she walked out of the room. Soon after, everyone else but Jimin. By the way, he looked at me with such a serious face, I know it was business.

"You found out didn't you?" he asked.


"That 'he' is a girl."

"Wait, you knew?"

"Yes, the only person that doesn't know now is Hoseok. By the way, she danced was strange... Did you... have sex with her..? Is that why you didn't come back last night?"

There was no way I could hide anything from Jimin. He read me like an open book. I looked to the floor and my eyes began tearing up.

"I- I should have controlled myself.."

Narrator's POV

Jimin couldn't just stand there and watch his hyung cry. He stretched out his arms and wrapped them around Yoongi's shoulders allowing the older boy to snuggle his head into the nape of his neck.

"Jimin... It was the wine you had added the drug in.." he sniffed.


After a few days had passed, (Y/N) didn't seem to remember what happened that night and the pain eased. Yoongi desperately wanted to tell her and that is why he's now standing in front of her door. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door, awaiting for it to be opened. (Y/N) opened the door and smiled at him warmly allowing him to enter the room. He sat on a vacant chair and cleared his throat.

"Before I tell you this, it's okay if you start hating me. I should have controlled myself and you have the right to know... I know you're a girl.."

"What!? How..?"

Yoongi explained to the girl about what happened and surprisingly, she didn't hate him. Yeah, she was mad at him but she forgiven him. After that day, the man found himself getting attached to her a bit too much and Hoseok wasn't having any of it.

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