6. Fake Love

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Status: Unedited


"Shut the fuck up! I'm absolutely tired of you telling me what I can and cannot do!" a strong, raspy voice shouted at the frail pregnant woman.

"Minseok, please. I'm begging you to stop drinking! We barely have any money at all and the little that we have, you take it and go to the bar! What about the kids? Please take them into consideration, if you want to make someone suffer, it should be me alone."

"Mom..." my head popped through the sightly cracked door of their room.

"Oh my fucking god! You can't even do a simple thing such as staying in the room with your brother! You're just like your mother, useless! Sometimes I wonder why I even send you to school. It's just a waste of time and money. Why do I even take care of you? Ugh, you're such a disappointment."

"Why do you take care of me you ask? Well, when you and mom were in bed doing baby-making, I wasn't there putting a gun to your head saying, 'Oh yes, please do it! I wanna be birthed in this world!' and so I was born and it is YOUR responsibility to look after me since I'm underage. Oh, and why am I so useless and a disappointment? Maybe it's because my so-called father is a slack son of a female dog who only thinks of himself. I guess you're looking straight at yourself 'father'."

"You dear speak to me in that manner you little bitch?!" the man stormed towards (Y/N) with his hand in the air ready to slap her as hard as he could.

"Minseok sto- AGH" The elder woman ran in front of her daughter just in the nick of time to receive the slap directly on her cheek. The impact made her lose balance and fall to the ground. Mot to long after, a pool of blood began forming around her.

"Mommy!!" Joowin burst through the door and hurried to her side

"Jae-hee..? I'm sorry I didn't mean it!" the man pulled out his cell phone and called the ambulance.

At the hospital

When they arrived at the hospital, (Y/N)'s mother was immediately taken to the emergency room. After about half an hour, the doctor came out with good and bad news.

"Congratulations, your wife just birthed a baby girl!" But after that statement, the man's face turned dark. There weren't ready for what he said next "I'm sorry... But we could only save one... We tried our best."


"You could have saved my wife instead of that ra-"

I could no longer hear or see anything. All I knew was that I was holding my brother's hand tightly, with tears whelming up in my eyes. This couldn't be real, it had to be a dream. I felt arms wrapped around me, it was Joowin.

"Mommy... Mommy.." he sobbed. At that moment, I knew I couldn't show my sadness to him or he'd cry even more than he already was.

"Shh... It's okay.." my voice cracked.

I looked away from him to see my father walking towards us with his hand wide open. I believe he was expecting a hug, but I quickly stepped back and glared at him, giving a warning not to come close.

"The baby still needs to hear the heart beat of one of you for her to identify a "mother" of some sort. Before we were able to let Mrs. (L/N) hold her, she.. died."

"I'm not getting anywhere near that thing." My 'father' walked away.

"I'll.. do it."

My brother and I went to the room following the doctor. I sat on a chair and soon after they brought in a small child. I gently took her out in my arms and cradled her back and forth. Joowin looked at her and cracked a small smile. She looked just like mom.

"Sissy... We need to take care of her for mommy. Make her into the girl mommy would want her to be." I nodded in agreement.

After a few minutes, the doctor came in and took the child and said we needed to come for her in three days then we went back home.

After Two Years
At night

It was already 11 pm and that man hasn't come back home. It's not that I'm worried, it's just he's the only person we get money from. I just decided to go to sleep. Well, cry myself to sleep.

The next day I woke up to knocking and loud 'good morning! Is anyone here?'

I lazily walked to the front door, there stood a policeman.

"Are you (Y/N)? "


"I'm sorry to have to tell you this but your father got in a tragic accident and didn't make it."

"Oh..? Is that all? If so, goodbye officer." I said without any sympathy.

Narrator's POV

From that day on (Y/N) dropped out of school and worked for her aunt. Joowin stayed at home to take care of Mi-Ran when (Y/N) couldn't, he didn't trust any other male around both his sisters, fearful they would hurt the only family he had so he trained day and night to get stronger. (Y/N) was scared of men who drink alcohol or even smell it. She often gets nervous and would refuse any alcohol drinks.

"Isn't the little bag that mother made for Mi-ran cute? She took so much pride in the work she did, I'm sure Mi will cherish it when she gets older." (Y/N) told Joowin as she looked at the plain pink bag with a sewed in 'love you' at the front.

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