chapter 3

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Jeongguk woke up when his alarm went off he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and went to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror to see red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. He quickly brushed his teeth and put on his clothes and headed to work.

Taehyung was walking into the room where everyone get their make-up and hair done and he spotted Jin. He went over to Jin to ask him something he was very unsure about.  "Hey- um J-Jin?" "Yes Taehyung?" Jin turned around to face Taehyung and this only made him get nervous more.

"How do you know if you have feelings for someone?"  Jin cracked out a small smile. "Someone questioning how they feel?" Taehyung didn't have the courage to speak anymore, so he shook his head in approval. "You just know... Fine i will tell you about me and Rm's story."

                      Flash back
Jin was running down the streets trying to get to his job interview on time. Luck was so on his side today. There were NO TAXI'S anywhere like how could that be. Jin was to focused on getting to his interview on time so he could hopefully get a job, but just as he turned the corner he bumped into a man and fell onto the hard,wet ground. This really was the worst day to Jin he won't even look presentable to his interview.

"I'm so sorry sir." The mysterious pink haired male said. "No Sorry it was my fault i was in a rush to get to my job interview." Jin said taking in the man's features as he spoke. "Okay well would you like a hand?"

Jin looked down and saw the pink haired male with his arm stretched out. Jin took the males hand as the pink haired male pulled him up. Jin waved and started to run again. "Wait i didn't get your name!" "Im seokjin" "i'm Rm"

Jin ran through the office doors quickly got in the elevator and went up to the third floor. When he got to the door he knocked and heard a familiar deep voice say to come in. He opened the door to see the pink hair male from  earlier sitting in the office chair. They both wore shocked expressions.

                 Fast forward
Jin knew he was in love with Rm he just couldn't stop his feeling. It was the same with Rm he could keep his feelings under control he started to lose it. Jin wanted to do something about his feelings, but he couldn't because he was to shy. Jin heard the doorbell ring he opened the door and he was quickly pushed back and the person closed the door. Jin felt a pair of lips on his he froze in place he realized it was Rm's lips Jin started to melt into the kiss they slowly pulled away, so they could breath.

                  Flash back over

"Do you get the point just do what your heart wants Taehyung." "Thank you Jin." Taehyung knew Jin was right he just could bring himself to believe it. Could Taehyung be in love with Jeongguk? Definitely not!
Jeongguk sat down in the barber chair next to Taehyung. Jeongguk didn't say one word to him nor spare him a glance. Suga started to do Jeongguk's hair and Jimin started doing Taehyung's hair. Yoonmin could sense the weird tension between Taehyung and Jeongguk. No one dared to make a peep.

Jin came through the door "Jeongguk and Taehyung you will be shooting with Hoseok today." "O-ok." Jeongguk studdered out, but on the other hand Taehyung didn't say anything he went to the dressing room to get changed. After Taehyung and Jeongguk finished getting dressed they headed to the set. As the two approached the set and saw Jhope .

Jeongguk walked over to Jhope and gave him a warm short hug. However, Taehyung was shooting the boys death glares. Taehyung did not know why every time a male touches his Jeonggukie he gets angry. Taehyung just brushed it off. 'I don't need to mess up more' Taehyung thought while he walked up to the pair of boys ready for this day to be over with.

"No! not like that were is the passion?" Jin screamed at the three. "Ji-" Rm tried to stop his lover from screaming again at the poor boys. "Ugh Just take the day off tomorrow i expect there to be as much passion as there was between you two yesterday when you modeled for me." Jeongguk and Taehyung both shook their heads in  approvement. The boys quickly got changed back into their clothes and Jeongguk met with Jhope.

Jhope and Jeongguk went to a near by mall, so they could shop together and Jeongguk could tell Jhope what happened between him and Taehyung. Jhope just wanted to make Jeongguk smile because they are friends after all. Little did they know Taehyung was following them and watching them to make sure nothing happened between them two. He would rather die then have something happen between them.  Jeongguk told Jhope about what happened between him and Taehyung.

Jhope tried to comfort Jeongguk as best as he could, but all Jeongguk could think about Taehyung. Jhope had created a mission to get Jeongguk to forget about Taehyung just for a day at least. They went to an ice cream shop and Jeongguk still thought about Taehyung he had a sad look on his face.

It was getting later and later and Jhope was not able to cheer up Jeongguk. Which is very unusual for Jhope because he usually able to cheer anyone up. They were still at the mall and Jhope had tried everthing he possibly could. Then an idea popped up in his head. Jhope started to tickle Jeongguk because everyone has that spot that tickles.

Taehyung was fuming with rage Jhope was touching his Jeongguk. Taehyung started to stomp up to them and grab Jeongguk, but someone grabbed him. He turned around and found Suga just looking at him. "This is not the way Taehyung."

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