chapter 13

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The world stood in place every single object stood still, but there was something that stood out and that was Jeongguk . The younger boy had tears pouring out of his eyes with hurt and sadness laced in his ethereal features. He couldn't take his eyes off Jeongguk as he watched the boy run out into the dark cold night.

"Now that fag is away from you your life will be so much better," Taehyung's father smirked.

At this point Taehyung's anger was bubbling, he stood up abruptly about to go after his lover.

"No I will NOT marry some stupid girl or leave my new agency," Taehyung said with venom spitting out of his mouth.

A harsh fist came crashing down on Taehyung's now marked face causing a grunt of pain to come from the boy, but what he did next suprised himself. He hit his father back without even blinking a eye.

"This isn't over Taehyung," Mr.Kim gritted out holding his right cheek in his hands.

Taehyung finally made it to SeokJin's house, he had been running all the way from the restaurant to get to Jeongguk .

Taehyung's father cut important wires in his car which led to him running in the rain for his baby.

He pounded on the door while ignoring the chill that was currently running through his body. Fianlly the door opened, Jin stood there with red puffy eyes obviously had been crying before.

Jin's eyes widened at the sight of Taehyung dripping wet at his front door with goosebumps all over his body.

"Jin is he in his room?" Jin could only nod due to the shock that Taehyung ran that far in the rain.

Taehyung wasted no time and sprinted to Jeongguk's room. He heard pained sobs being ommited from the room, Taehyung knowing he was the reason for the boys sobs hurt him deeply, but he wasn't going to give up.

He opened the door and made his way over to the shaking sobbing boy that was laying on the ground in fetal position.

"Jeongguk baby?" No answer."Bun I'm right here don't let my father get in your head I will never marry a girl," Taehyung said trying to hold back his own tears due to seeing Jeongguk so hurt.

"Baby please look at me," Taehyung said despartly letting his constricted tears fall.

Jeongguk looked up and gasped seeing a wet,burised, and crying Taehyung in front of him.

"T-Tae y-your f-face," Jeongguk whimpered out.

"It's nothing baby," Taehyung said sniffling.

"I caused this! I'm sorry," Jeongguk cried out.

"There is nothing to be sorry about I couldn't leave you it is impossible because I love you to much!" Taehyung blurted out.

"Y-you l-love m-me?" Jeongguk said calming down a little bit.

"Yes I love you you are the only source of my happiness in this world and I know this is not the way 'I love yous' should be ,but I have to expess it to you,so you won't leave me," Taehyung said with tears streaming down his face.

"I-I l-love y-you t-too," Jeongguk said while blushing.

"T-Tae go get a shower you all wet you will get sick if you stay in those clothes for to long," Jeongguk said worried.

"You know I ran all the way here in the rain to get to my precious baby," Taehyung said leaning against the doorway.

"Why didn't you tell me so you could get a shower sooner," Jeongguk said with a worried tone still laced in his voice.

Taehyung sat down on the edge of the bed in his comfortable pajamas he left here. Jeongguk crawled over to him and sat on his lap causing shock to flood through the two.

Suddenly the world stopped spinning, it was just those two in the world right now,no one else, no home problems just Taehyung and Jeongguk . The two slowly lent in, their lips met in a soft passionate kiss, sparks were flying through the two and they just wanted to hold eachother for eternity.
Their lips slowly disconnected and heavy breathing filled the room.

"I didn't want to do it this way I wanted it to be romantic, but I don't wanna wait anymore," Taehyung said with a sparkle in his eyes.

"I know I was supposed to set up a romantic date and then after we eat dinner I would ask you to be my boyfriend then steal your first kiss, but that didn't go as planned. But will you be my boyfriend Jeongguk ?"

Tears welled up in Jeongguk's eyes "t-this is perfect I don't need a romantic dinner I just need you."

"So your answer is?" Taehyung gulped nervously.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Jeongguk said happily and hugged Taehyung tightly.

Jeongguk woke up exicted for today, Jin and him were going to prepare a special meal for Namjoon. Well that is one reason, his main reason was becuase he is holding his idol in his arms that is now his boyfriend. He looked down at his sleeping boyfriend and was caught up in his beauty, he didn't care about anything else just the sleeping male in his arms.

Sadly, Jeongguk had to get up to help with the meal. He tired shaking the peacful male away, but he was not successful with waking him up.

"TaeTae I have to get up," Jeongguk said gently like the simple words would hurt Taehyung.

"No just five more minutes," Taehyung said tightening his iron grip on Jeongguk .

Then it hit Jeongguk like a truck, Taehyung felt so warm it felt so unbearable.

"Tae! You have a fever," Jeongguk said panicked.

"Baby I'm fine," Taehyung said slightly opening his eyes.

Jin had just picked up his phone due to him reaching for the pan, he was currently mixing some kind of batter for the special meal.

"Is this Kim SeokJin?" A mysterious voice said echoing through the phone.

"Yes who is this?" Jin said in an axious tone.

"I am Dr.Leroy and I'm calling to inform you that Kim Namjoon has been in an accident," Jin's whole world shattered the phone and spoon fell as tears filled his eyes.

"J-Jeongguk ," Jin cried out and Jeongguk was already there after Jin dropped his stuff.

"Jin what's wrong," Jeongguk said in a frightened tone.

"N-Namjoon g-g-got i-in a a-accident," Jin said shaking and sobbing, Jeongguk immediately pulled the male in his embrace.

Taehyung came racing down at the sound of crying, he panicked as he saw Jin clutching Jeongguk . He saw Jeongguk with tears threating to spill over.

"C-can y-you t-take m-me t-to t-the h-hospital?" Jin sobbed barely getting out that sentence.

"Yes just let me get dressed,Jeongguk get him in his car and wait for me," Taehyung said calmly to hopefully soothe the other two.

Author's note
Hehehehehhe No proof read sorry for mistakes because I forgot it was Tuesday. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Things will get better soon :)

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