chapter 7

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Jeongguk's eyes fluttered open and the bright beams hit his face. Jeongguk groaned from the sun waking him up. He looked over to see an ethereal angel clutching on his small waist. Blood began to flow to his cheeks and obvious crimson filled his cheeks to his cheeks. Jeongguk started to squirm around to try to get out of Taehyung's strong grip.

"Please stay" Jeongguk heard a beautiful breathing taking deep voice say. Jeongguk really needed to go pee, so he continued to struggle to get out of the older's iron grip. "Please Taehyung let me go" Jeongguk whined really needing to go to the bathroom now. Taehyung huffed in annoyance and let go of Jeongguk saddened at his reaction. "You know I didn't mean it like that Taehyung" Jeongguk said, feeling guilty after he watched Taehyung's facial expression drop.

"Sure" Taehyung sassed back at the younger. "I need to go pee Taehyung or else I wouldn't of wakened you!" Jeongguk shot back with his perfect lips curved into a pout. "Just go to the bathroom if you want to take a shower just pick any outfit out of the bag," Taehyung said plopping back down on the bed, to get sleep once more. Jeongguk chuckled at how cute Taehyung was being in his sleepy state, Jeongguk grabbed a random outfit and went to shower.

Jeongguk got onto the elevator, to go down to the hotel lobby, to exit the building to find a taxi. He would have Taehyung drive him back to pick up clothes for himself, but he didn't want to wake the angel from his beauty sleep for something stupid. He was walking past the lobby desk when the receptionist called for him. "Hey, you boy come here for a second!" Jeongguk was confused about what the young lady wanted.

"Yes, ma'am?" Jeongguk had a bad feeling about this, but he chose to ignore it. "Are you the boy that came in with V-Oppa?" The woman gave him an unpleasant glare while waiting for his answer. "Erm.."

"Answer the question you fool," the woman said with venom laced in her voice. "Yes, I am..." Jeongguk felt trapped in a corner it was like he couldn't breathe. "Good now I'm going to tell you some important information okay?" The lady said with an evil smirk plastered across her face. Jeongguk nodded his head agreeing to wait for her to go on.

"V will never love you, you little low life what makes you think someone will ever love you? Huh? Cuz I know that V is completely straight and he will fall for me, not some ugly guy. You should give up now he has never or will never love a piece of trash like you." The woman spat out at Jeongguk . Jeongguk struggled to keep in his tears knowing everything she just said was true.

"Look the pathetic piece of trash is crying how sweet, but I hate to break it to you actually I'm not, but you will never be good enough for V-Oppa only I am."

"I know I'm not good enough for him I have never been and you're right V will never love me I know that, so tell me something I don't know."

Jeongguk walked back to the elevator this time not hold back any of the tears. Little did they know they were being watched and recorded. The mysterious man wanted to hug Jeongguk and yell at that disgraceful woman, but he had to take a video and send it to V. The man sent the video to V and quickly left not saying one word.

Taehyung heard his phone bing he saw he got a message from Jin, but as he was about to see what it was. He heard the door slam open and loud sobbed being omitted from the younger boy. Taehyung didn't hesitate to get up and run to the other boy. "Jeongguk what's wrong?" "It hurts" the little boy cried.

"Where does it hurt Jeongguk ?" "She said stuff about me a-and i- k-k-" The younger broke down in sobs and Taehyung pulled Jeongguk into a warm embrace. "Let's sleep yeah?" The boy nodded in agreement and Taehyung took him to the bed and hugged him.

Soon soft snores were omitted from the younger indicating he was asleep. Taehyung opened the message Jin sent him and all he could see was red. 'How could anyone say that to a precious angel?' Taehyung was really mad he would of went and confronted her but his Ggukie needs him right now. Taehyung held on tighter to the Younger and fell asleep.

Jeongguk slowly opened his eyes smelling the now-familiar cologne. Jeongguk felt those familiar arms around his waist and saw the one and the only face he wanted to see when he wakes up every morning. He stared at the beautiful boy in front of him for the longest time until he noticed the bruise on Taehyung's cheek. How would you dare to hit Kim Taehyung? Jeongguk slipped out of Taehyung's grip and went to do his morning business.

Soon after Jeongguk left Taehyung woke up not remembering the bruise that is taking a rest on his unblemished face. Soon Jeongguk walked out of the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bed. "Good morning Jeongguk ," Taehyung said with his box smile on display. "Good morning Taehyung," Jungguk said also putting his bunny smile on display. "Jeongguk are we friends?"

"Do you wanna be?" "Of course I do Ggukie " Taehyung said while showing his box smile that someone could die for. Jeongguk couldn't help the smile spreading across his face like wildfire. "Um, Taehyung can I ask you a question?" "Sure Ggukie."

"How... How did you get the bruise?" Taehyung was in shock so much that he had forgotten about the bruise that played on his face. "I'm sorry you don't have to answer that" Jeongguk quickly said so the older wouldn't be uncomfortable around him. "No it's fine Ggukie I'll tell you later we just need to get you to the doctors like I promised yesterday," the boy said smiling. "At least let me tend to it..."

"N-" "please it is the least I can do the..." Jeongguk said while giving the older sad eyes. Taehyung couldn't resist. "Okay but you have to get ready to go to the doctor's" Taehyung said while watching the boy get the first aid kit. The younger gently tented to the bruise, after they got read to take Jeongguk to the doctors to make sure Jeongguk was okay.

Author's note
Hello dear readers, sorry I didn't update on Tuesday I was busy doing make up work for my classes. I am going to double update in return :) I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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