chapter 12

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It was a couple months after Taehyung and Jeongguk's first date; since then they have been going on dates when they had the time.

The couple would squeeze dates on between their schedule, their scheduled was packed most of the time.

The two spent their days modelling and their nights going on dates.

The two weren't official though, Taehyung was taking it slow for Jeongguk because of his past. If it weren't for Jeongguk's horrible past Taehyung would have asked him out by now.

Taehyung would wait for ever for Jeongguk , Taehyung had never felt something so deep for someone.

The two haven't made it to the kissing stage, but have made it to the holding hands stage in their relationship.

Right now Taehyung was awake staring at his beautiful angel, he looked over at the alarm clock and sighed because it was time to wake his angel.

"Ggukie baby it is time to get up," Taehyung said gently shaking the male.

"Mmm five more minutes," Jeongguk groaned and snuggled more into Taehyung.

"Baby you have to get up," Taehyung said kissing his babys cheek.

Jeongguk groaned and sat up as Taehyung sat up, Jeongguk's head was leaning on Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung smiled and put an arm around his baby's waist, he was admiring Ggukie's messy hair and how sleepy the boy was.

"Baby do you wanna take a shower with me? I'll wash you and dress you and you can fall asleep in the car," Taehyung suggested.

Jeongguk shook his head said to side as a no, he unwilling got up and went to the bathroom to shower.

Taehyung was currently in the shower, after Jeongguk came out the boy laied on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Taehyung got out of the shower and dried himself off and his hair, there was a towel wrapped around his waist as he went to get his clothes. As Taehyung was walking towards the dresser he heard Jeongguk talking in his sleep.

"T-Tae," Jeongguk whimpered starting to cry.

Taehyung instantly turned around to see a very sweaty Jeongguk . He quickly made his way to the boy.

"N-No! P-plea- ahhhh," the boy was screaming in pain while crying.

The boy was screaming, crying, and thrashing around Taehyung shook him trying to pull him out of his nightmare.

"Jeongguk ! Come on wake up Jeongguk ," Taehyung said despartly trying to calm Jeongguk .

Suddenly Jeongguk shot up and gasped, the small boy started to grab everywhere to find Taehyung. Taehyung grabbed Jeongguk's hands and wrapped Jeongguk's arms around him.

"Baby calm down. I'm right here baby," Taehyung said in a gentle voice.

"T-Tae," the youngest said crying into the Taehyung's neck.

"Shh baby it's alright I'm here. Do you wanna talk about it baby?"

Jeongguk instantly shook his head no continuing to cry in Taehyung's neck and tighten his hold on Taehyung.

"Okay baby I have to get dressed so I have to let you go for a couple minutes okay," Taehyung said trying not to alarm Jeongguk when he started to put Jeongguk back on the bed.

"N-No pl-," Jeongguk looked down at Taehyung's waist and blushed and let go.

Taehyung watched as Jeongguk flipped to his side, so he was facing the wall, Taehyung rubbed the boys side and went to get dressed.

Taehyung was currently carrying Jeongguk bridal style, when Taehyung was getting dressed a series of 'are you done yet' were heard from Jeongguk . That's how they got here, once Taehyung said he was done he got attacked by Jeongguk hugging him.

"Taebear can we go on a date tonight?" Jeongguk hid his face in Taehyung's neck.

"Of course baby," Taehyung said sweetly and put Jeongguk in the car.

Taehyung got in the car and Jeongguk instantly grabbed Taehyung's big hands and intertwined them with his little hands, he leaned his head on Taehyung's shoulder and mumbled 'you smell like strawberries' before dozing off.

Taehyung just watched as Namjoon and Jin playful bickered with eachother, the two were bickering about how Namjoon wasn't allowed to drive.

"Jin just make sure your eyes stay on the road and keep your bickering down my angel is sleeping," Taehyung said firmly but quietly.

During the photo shoot Jeongguk and Taehyung were leaning against eachothers back, Jeongguk had fallen asleep just feeling Taehyung's warmth.

"Namjoon why don't you treat me like that?" Jin was complaining about how Taehyung moves Jeongguk gently, when Namjoon barely will touch him when he is sleeping.

"You will hit me babe," Namjoon said despartly.

"Jin-hyung I don't know which one I should wear," Jeongguk whined to Jin showing him the two outfits.

"You know you look perfect in anything plus Taehyung thinks your beautiful no matter what you wear," Jin said texting his Joonie.

"Jin-Hyung it will be okay he just needs time alone," Jeongguk said gently trying to make his mother like friend not be so upset.

"I shouldn't have been so mean and sassy," Jin said starting to cry.

Jeongguk instantly went and hugged his mother like hyung "hey look Namjoon loves you for being you. How about I help you make dinner tommorow?"

Jin noded his head in agreement and pulled away from the hug, he wiped his tears and said "let's get you ready for your date tonight okay?"

"Baby your so cute," Taehyung cooed at the younger causing the younger to blush.

Jeongguk looked down shyly and Taehyung chuckled at this because his baby was so shy; their hands were intertwined across the table, Taehyung's big hands fit perfectly into Jeongguk's small hands they fit like puzzle pieces.

"You think we wouldn't find you son?" Taehyung clenched his jaw and Jeongguk felt Taehyung's hands tighten around his hands.

"What do you want?" It was almost impossible to miss the anger radiating from Taehyung.

"You are going to leave that stupid little company your are modeling for and you are going to marry the beautiful girl I found you," Mr.Kim said strictly.

"And you are getting re-signed to your old modeling agency and everything will be perfect you will be bringing in more money with your wife and you won't be a fag," Mrs.Kim said happiness lacing her voice.

Taehyung was about to replie when he felt the small hand slip out of his, he looked over and saw Jeongguk with tears pooling his eyes. Taehyung knew at that point he was going have to get his parents gone and fast.

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