Chapter 11

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Taehyung woke up from the sun shining onto his face through the window.

He looked down in his arms and saw an angel that has been through, so much.

The couple cuddled after Jeongguk told Taehyung about his past just like the younger wanted. Taehyung held the crying younger in a tight embrace and they fell asleep like that.

Taehyung was going to cheer the younger up today, he went to get up because he was going to make a special breakfast for the younger.

"Please don't go," Jeongguk said is breathing started to get faster, his hands started to clutch Taehyung's shirt tighter.

Taehyung noticed Jeongguk's behavior, the poor boy was hyperventilating and now was sweating.

"Gguks look at me," Taehyung said trying to get the younger's attention.

The younger couldn't hear the older, he was too far into his mind and it sent him into panic.

"Ggukie focus on my voice and breath," Taehyung said rubbing the boy's sides.

"Yea just like that your doing great," Taehyung said continuously rubbing the younger's sides.

"T-Tae," Jeongguk gasped out barley able to breath.

"Ggukie i'm right here okay i'm not going anywhere," Taehyung said soothingly.

Jeongguk's breath started to shallow back out to a normal pace,he was still clinging onto Taehyung's shirt pulling him closer than he already was.

"Let's go brush out teeth and go downstairs to eat breakfast," Taehyung said helping Jeongguk up.

"But Tae I w-," Jeongguk got cut off by Taehyung.

"No you just sit down and relax," Taehyung said almost begging the younger.

Jeongguk didn't reply and Taehyung turned around to see Jeongguk have a pout on his adorable face. Taehyung rolled his eyes at this and laughed.

Jeongguk eyes widened when Taehyung sat his plate in front of him, there were two pancakes stacked onto eachother and the top one had a heart made out of strawberrys and whipped cream filling in the heart.

"T-Tae," Jeongguk said tears filling his eyes.

"D-Do you not like it I can fix it," Taehyung said quickly and reached for the plate before his hand was caught.

"I Love it Tae! Thank you," Jeongguk said with his cute smile on display.

"So how did you get into ariel silk?" Taehyung asked as he finshed up his last pancake.

Jeongguk froze and felt a lump in his throat, his mouth felt dry as he felt the tears prickling his eyes.

"W-Well um m-my p-parents forced me into it saying I should you my flexibility to seduce people and get money out of it," Jeongguk said quickly wiping his tears before Taehyung could see, but he already saw.

" Why don't you quit if you don't like it," Taehyung said in a worried tone.

"My boss w-will," Jeongguk didn't get to complete his sentence because Taehyung shushed him and hugged him.

"I'm sorry I asked, but I got you now no one will touch you Jeongguk ," Taehyung said with a serious tone.

Taehyung started to feel nervous for what he was about to do, but he can't wait any longer.

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