chapter 8

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Taehyung signed Jeongguk into the doctor's office. The office has this little clipboard to sign into so they know that their patient was there. Taehyung noticed that Jeongguk was bouncing his right leg up and down showing he was nervous. Taehyung rested his hand of Jeongguk's thigh attempting to calm the younger down.

"Hey Ggukie it will be over soon I promise," Taehyung said to the nervous boy "yea.." Jeongguk hated going to the doctors, but he wanted to be tough in front of Tae, so here he is.

The nurse called for them "Jeon Jeongguk ?" Jeongguk froze and then Tae tugged on his arm and followed the nurse to the room they were going to be in. "Wait are you THE V and JK?!"

"Erm y-yes..." The nurse's eyes widened like golf balls "Omg I ship you guys so hard." Jeongguk turned crimson red at the statement looking down at the ground. "Aw, that's cute that people ship me with an amazing angel" It was now Jeongguk turn to widen his eyes 'did i-i just h-hear that?' Jeongguk was in a confused state why would Taehyung say that?

"Okay, Jk can you please sit on the bed." Jeongguk nodded yes as he sat on the bed, he was ready to leave already. "So I'm going to do the basic stuff like take your blood pressure, temperature, and check you're ears the basic stuff." Jeongguk let her do what she had to and she said the doctor would be in a few minutes.

The doctor came in and said Jeongguk had a minor cold nothing too serious he just had to get a shot... The short story is Jeongguk hates shots and Taehyung must have noticed this because when the nurse came in picked the spot for the shot Taehyung hugged Jeongguk where he couldn't see anything.

"Ok, Ggukie remember you asked me to tell you how I got this bruise?" "Yes, Tae really if you d-" "it was from my parents they are very abusive toward me and they use my body for money..." Jeongguk felt guilty for asking Tae about his bruise because it clearly makes him sad. "And the day I went to get clothes for us my dad hit me because I didn't answer him" Taehyung started to tear up he wished he had better parents who loved him not use him for money.

Jeongguk saw a tear roll down Taehyung's face and he wasted no time and lept into action and eloped the older in a bear hug. "They did nothing to deserve such a precious human being like you Tae one day they will regret this because you're the best person I have ever met."

Taehyung clutched onto Jeongguk more letting all of his emotions out. "Let's get some sleep okay?" Taehyung shook his head in agreement laying back with Jeongguk laying beneath him while he was laying on top.

This is the first time that Taehyung was laying on Jeongguk it is usually the other way around. Taehyung didn't care about that, he feel asleep in Jeongguk's embrace.

Jeongguk woke up to the sound of knocking on his door. Jeongguk slowly slipped Taehyung out of his arms and kissed the top of Taehyung's temple not forgetting to tuck in Taehyung in before he left. Jeongguk opened the door to see Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok standing at his doorway. Jin eloped him into a tight motherly embrace.

"Guess what Ggukie " Jin squealed while the others covered their ears. "I made your favorite" Jeongguk looked over and saw Hoseok with the pot. "So I take it you wouldn't let Namjoon carry the pot?" "No, he almost broke it last time I couldn't risk it again!"

Everyone burst into laughter then Jeongguk heard a whine come from behind him. Arms made their way around his waist "Why did you have to get up" Taehyung whined not realizing that the other's were here.

"Now we know where Tae was this whole time," Yoongi said smirking at the two. "Guys, can we eat the Ramen now?" Namjoon pleaded with the other 6 boys.

"Yass give me some food!" Taehyung said getting excited to eat I mean who wouldn't. "Kim Taehyung I thought I taught you more manners than that" Jin said in a motherly tone.

Jeongguk was already at the table followed by Namjoon. The other three boys were watching the scene fold out in front of them. Jimin ran to the table and Yoongi followed and sat by Jimin.

Eventually, Jin, Hobi, and Tae came and sat at the table. Tae sitting next to Ggukie of course. Everyone put some ramen in their bowls. Everyone was eating peacefully until Hobi screamed: "we should watch a horror movie!" Jeongguk hated horror movies, but everyone agreed, so he was going to deal with it.

Jin pulled Taehyung to the side where no one could hear him. "Do you have any idea's what we can do about that bitch that said those things to Ggukie?" Jin huffed in annoyance just thinking about that woman. "Yes, we take the video and show it her boss." Jin shook his head in approval and they went back to the living room the boy's already had a movie picked out.

Taehyung noticed when the movie start Jeongguk tensed up Taehyung put his had on his thigh. They weren't even halfway through the novice when clown popped out of nowhere. Jeongguk jumped at this so Taehyung rubbed circles on his thighs. Then this weird thing popped up at the screen Jeongguk jumped into Taehyung's arms the younger was scared he was shaking violently. Taehyung cuddled the boy hiding his face from anything that may pop up on the screen.

It was half way through the movie when Taehyung heard soft snores coming from the boy cuddled into his chest and he just cooed at the younger.

The movie ended and the guys said their goodbyes. After the guys left Taehyung carried Jeongguk to the room and gently place him onto the bed and gave him a soft kiss on his temple.

Author's note
Hehehe double update :) I hope you enjoyed this chapter see you in the next one <3

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