chapter 26

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  It has been a couple of weeks and everyone was preparing Namjoon and Jin's wedding. Jeongguk and Taehyung made arrangements to where they were going to stay. Wonwoo said he wanted to stay with Jeongguk so of course he was going to stay with Jeongguk.

  It was the night before the family would have to separate with eachother and Jeongguk noticed Taehyung looked sad.

"Taebear what's wrong?" Taehyung sighed and fell into Jeongguk's arms "I just feel like..."

Jeongguk ran his fingers through Taehyung's hair while softly humming for him to continue. Taehyung put his head into the crook of Jeongguk's neck to find more comfort.

"I just feel like I'm not a good dad and Wonwoo hates me," Taehyung said hugging Jeongguk tighter.

  Jeongguk took Taehyung's head out of his neck and made him look into his eyes before speaking "Taehyung you are a great dad and Wonwoo doesn't hate you."

  Suddenly loud cries were heard and Jeongguk got up to go get Wonwoo since you could hear the little boy's cries from miles away.

"What's wrong Wooie?" Wonwoo made grabby hands towards Jeongguk which lead to Jeongguk picking him up with a smile.

"Me wanna sleewp wifh daddy and mommy,"Wonwoo whined rubbing his eyes.  "Wooie we have to talk about daddy first," Jeongguk said and Wonwoo perked up.

"Look Wooie daddy thinks you hate him and it is making him feel bad," Jeongguk said and Wonwoo gasped. "Me no hawte daddy me wuv daddy!"

"I know baby bu-" Jeongguk was cut off as Wonwoo jumped out of his arms and ran through the open door.

  Jeongguk followed behind Wonwoo and then he heard a whine "Mommy hurry up!" Jeongguk chuckled before opening the door and watching Wonwoo open the door.

  Taehyung quickly wiped away the tear that fell down his cheek as he saw the door open and his son rush in. Wonwoo came barreling into Taehyung's arms who caught him quckily before the boy fell.

"Daddy why you sad?" Taehyung shook his head putting on a fake smile that Jeongguk could see through "I'm not sad bubba."

Wonwoo had a pout on his face "but lywing is bad daddy!" Taehyung sighed before Wonwoo started to speak again "gimme cuffdle daddy!"

  Taehyung laid back and brought Wonwoo back with him, he looked at Jeongguk waiting for his other baby to come in bed.

"C'mon baby I wanna hold you too," Taehyung said slightly whining. Jeongguk walked to the bed and laied down pulling Taehyung near him.

"No tonight Imma hold you," Jeongguk said kissing Taehyung's forehead. "Me too me too? Wonwoo shouted in excitment.

"Yes you too baby. Now come here you two," Jeongguk said smiling with his arms open for his two favorite people to crawl into them.

  It was the day of the wedding and everyone was nervous yet excited. Everyone was getting ready and after Jeongguk finshed getting ready he helped Jin get ready.

  However, he missed his family, Wonwoo ended up going with Taehyung and Jeongguk took Yeotan. The family was anxious to meet eachother and they couldn't wait to witness this day filled with happiness.

"Me see mommy me see mommy!" Wonwoo chanted making everyone laugh. "We almost thewre yet?"

"Yes Wooie and I can't wait to see mommy too," Taehyung said smiling. "Ah I can't wait to be like you guys with my Jinnie," Namjoon said smiling.

"I'm surprised you didn't get married before us," Taehyung said looking in the mirror. "Daddy uncle Yoonie is sleewping again!"

"Baby he sleeps alot because he works very hard ," Taehyung said with a slight smile on his face. "We almost thewre?Me want mommy me hasn't sween him siwnce day before yesterdawy!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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