chapter 19

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It had been over a year since Taehyung and Jeongguk got together, matter of fact it was their two year anniversary today. A lot has changed with everyone.

Taehyung let his hair grow out longer and his hair is black now, another thing that changed was Jinhit grew bigger because of him since he was popular. He lost some fans when he came out but he could care less beacause all he needed was his baby Jeongguk .

Speaking of the company the other models have became family to Taehyung and Jeongguk .

"TaeTae! Everyone is coming over!!!I can't wait to see my child!!," Jeongguk squealed jumping around on the bed.

"Oh geez that's like 20 people in this little house," Taehyung whined thinking about how many people are actually gonna be in the house.

Jeongguk placed his lips on Taehyung's which suprised Taehyung due to the fact it was so sudden and Jeongguk usually doesn't kiss him first.

"Baby what's wrong?" Taehyung asked Jeongguk who just shook his head. "You sure?" Jeongguk just shook his head again.

"TaeTae can we cuddle till they get here?" Jeongguk loved having everyone over and everything but that meant less time with Taehyung.

"Of course baby," Taehyung said wrapping Jeongguk in his arms while laying back on the bed. " I can't wait till little Taehyun gets here," Taehyung said closing his eyes.

The couple were cuddling still but they didn't notice the door swing open until a body came crashing in the middle of them.

"Taehyun you're here!" Jeongguk shouted excitedly parting from Taehyung's embrace. "I've missed you Ggukie!"

"What about me?" Taehyung whined causing Taehyun to giggle "I've missed you to TaTa!"

"Ouu we gotta suprise for you Ggukie," Taehyun said winking at Taehyung who just smirked.

"Really?" Jeongguk said with his eyes lit up like it was the fourth of July. "Yup it's downstairs," Taehyun said getting up and going to the door.

Taehyung could only stare at Jeongguk because each day he becomes more beautiful and Jeongguk having pink-redish hair made Taehyung lose it.



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Taealien- I think he likes his suprise 💜


Golden_Jk_Official- I don't like it I LOVE IT!!😍

Taegguk_forlife-Awww did you guys name him yet?

Taealien-@Taegguk_forlife No not yet!

Sunshine_Hobi- My single heartu is shaking 😭

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