chapter 18

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Taehyung and Jeongguk were at home when they got the call. They both of them were pretty much unaffected by their parents deaths.

Right now Jeongguk was on top of Taehyung with his head fitted right under Taehyung's chin, Jeongguk was sleeping while Taehyung continued to scroll through his Instagram.



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Jinhit_Official - All your favorite models in one photo!! Be sure to watch out beacause we have a surprise.

Sunshine_Hobi- I know what the suprise is gonna be Taekook is gonna luv it😊

Taealien- @Sunshine_Hobi spill!!! What's happening ^^

PrincessJin- @Taealien you will find out soon 🤐😈

Taegguk_forlife- Post more Taekook!!! You haven't in a while💔😭

God_of_destruction- wow we hit 1,000,000! That is the most we ever had!

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Taehyung shut off his phone with a smile and stared at the beauty in front of him. He wasn't staring for to long because Jeongguk's eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning TaeTae," Jeongguk's said sleepily while yawning cutely and rubbing his eyes. "Good morning baby," Taehyung said kissing his forehead.

Jeongguk pouted and pointed at his lips which caused Taehyung to chuckle before giving the younger a kiss on the lips. The kiss started to turn into more,Taehyung flipped them over so he was hovering over Jeongguk they had not once broke the kiss and they were fighting for dominance. Their heavy breath filled the room as they continued to make out, they knew at one pount they had to separate but they just couldn't get enough of eachother.

Jeongguk's phone started going off and the ringtone was Jin's so Jeongguk started to push Taehyung off. Taehyung only parted their lips for a second to say "ignore it baby,"before kissing Jeongguk again.

Jeongguk broke the kiss barely getting to say anything " but it's Jin w-" Taehyung just continued to devour Jeongguk's mouth.

Jungguk gained enough strength to push Taehyung off of him, he accidentally pushed him sideways causing him to fall on the floor and hit his head on the table, but Jungguk had already grabbed his phone and was talking to Jin.

"Hey Jin hyung," Jeongguk greeted then wiped the remaining saliva off his lips. "You need us there? Okie we'll be there."

Jeongguk hung up the phone then realized he accidentally pushed Taehyung to hard, he scrambled to Taehyung who was still on the floor and quickly grabbed Taehyung.

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