chapter 15

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It was the next day, Jeongguk and Taehyung were at Jin's house waiting for Jin and Namjoon to come home.

"TaeTae are you feeling okay?" Jeongguk asked worriedly .
"Yes, baby now stop worrying," Taehyung tried to reassure the worried boy, but Jeongguk could see the older's pained expression.

"No, you're not TaeTae don't lie to me," Jeongguk whined looking into Taehyung's beautiful eyes.

"Baby I'm really okay," Taehyung tried to convince the younger again. "TaeTae tell me what hurts I can't help if you don't tell me," Jeongguk said with staring at his boyfriend with worried eyes.

"Aish stops worrying so much," Taehyung chuckled trying to lighten the mood. "I can't help it!" Jeongguk whined with a pout taking over his features.

"Aww, my cute Lil baby," Taehyung said with a bright smile causing Jeongguk's face to light up red.

"S-shut up! Just tell me where it hurts," Jeongguk said shyly while looking down.

"Well since my cute Lil baby wants to know so bad my head and stomach hurt," Taehyung said with a slight groan as pain surged through his stomach.

"Take off your shirt." Taehyung looked at Jeongguk and raised his eyebrows suggestively while smirking a little.

"Not like that you pervert," Jeongguk whined and walked Taehyung in the head with a pillow.

"Where ya going?" Taehyung watched as the younger walked out without explanation. "Baby I'm sorry please come back," Taehyung yelled out desperately.

Jeongguk walked back in the room and Taehyung let out a sigh of relief while spreading his arms making grabbing hands with a pout on his face.

"Baby come cuddle me," Taehyung said scrunching his face up in pain. "Lay on your back," Jeongguk demanded slowly walking up to Taehyung.

Taehyung however still didn't know what was going on, he didn't see the little bottle that rested on Jeongguk's palms.

Jeongguk grabbed a heating pad and plugged it in and let it start heating up then walking back to Taehyung. Jeongguk placed sweet little kisses on Taehyung's beautiful tan stomach and Taehyung looked at him with a look of confusion.

"Just stay still okay? The pain will go away soon let me do what I do," Jeongguk said before pouring liquid from a little bottle.

"W-" Jeongguk quickly cut off Taehyung "just relax okay?"

Jeongguk moved his hands down to Taehyung's stomach with the peppermint oil on his delicate hands, he started to rub the oil into the older's stomach.

"Just rubbing it in feels good," Taehyung said sighing in relief. Jeongguk smiled at this "well you're supposed to feel better."

Jeongguk started to rub circles on the older's stomach sending relief of pain throughout his body. Jeongguk massaged his stomach well, he wasn't being to rough on the piece of flesh he was adding just enough pressure on the other's stomach. The massage went on for a couple of minutes until Jeongguk pulled away causing a whine to be emitted from Taehyung.

"Lay on this and I'll go make you some herbal tea," Jeongguk said scooting the heat pad over.

"But I wanna cuddle," Taehyung whine with a huge pout on his face. Jeongguk chuckled before kissing his forehead "don't worry we can cuddle all you want once you get the tea in you, it will help you feel better my grandma taught me the recipe."

The couple was currently cuddling each other as promised, Jeongguk was sitting up against the headboard and Taehyung was flipped over due to Jungguk's order to lay his stomach on the heating pad, Taehyung was laying in between Jungguk's legs with his head snuggled into Jungguk's stomach. He had his arms wrapped around Jeongguk tightly taking in his natural heat and of course he was in a deep slumber.

"You're so beautiful Tae no one can compare to your beauty," Jeongguk said staring at Taehyung with pure love held in his eyes.

"You can," Taehyung mumbled tiredly into Jeongguk's stomach. "What?"

Taehyung raised his head and stared at the ethereal human being holding him. Jeongguk's cheeks became flushed with red as his boyfriend's intense gaze was still on him.

"I'm serious baby you are the ethereal one here and no one can ever live up to your beauty."

Jeongguk teared up, how did he get so lucky to be with Kim Taehyung? He kissed Taehyung's cheek and Taehyung planted a kiss on Jeongguk's forehead, his lips lingering there for a bit.

"I love you Tae."

"I love you to my cute Lil baby."

The sun hit Taehyung's face awakening him from his slumber, his frown was replaced with a smile as he saw his baby in his arms.


"I'm here baby," Taehyung said running his fingers through Jeongguk's hair.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yes all thanks to my amazing baby," Jeongguk smiled at this before displaying a pout on his face.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Gimme kisses!"

Taehyung leaned in without hesitation claiming Jeongguk's lips with his, the kiss was short but filled with love.

"Alright, we gotta get ready."

"Why?" Jeongguk whined out just wanting to stay in bed.

"Because I need to take my baby out on a date."

Jeongguk's face turned red and he hit Taehyung lightly which caused the male to chuckle at the boy's cute behavior.

It was nearing the end of the date, Jeongguk thought he was going home until they turned right, the opposite way to get back to the apartment.


"Yes, baby?"

"You turned the wrong way," Jeongguk stated.

"I know," Taehyung simply replied.

"Are you kidnapping me?" Jeongguk said with his eyes practically popping out of his head.

"No of course not I'm taking you to your surprise," Taehyung said truthfully.

"What surprise?"

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?"

"Put this blindfold on," Taehyung said handing him the blindfold from his pocket.

Jeongguk did what he was told, but he didn't know what was about to come.

"You did NOT?"

"I did to here read this," Taehyung said giving Jeongguk the paper.

Jeongguk's eyes widened and he jumped on Taehyung hugging the life out of the older.

"Isn't it too much?"

"Jeongguk I know how you felt staying at Jin's and I wouldn't let you go back to that falling apart house."

"But you didn't have to buy me a house," Jeongguk pouted.

"I did too."

"Well no more staying in hotels or motels stay with me," Jeongguk pleaded with his puppy eyes.

"Fine plus I get to wake up to your beautiful face," Taehyung said watching Jeongguk's face turned red for the billionth time today.



"I love you."

"I love you too my sweet baby."

Author's note
I updated yesterday and it got unpublished :(
Oh well Imma still update tomorrow I hope it don't do it again

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