Thirty Three

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Important note at the bottom, you can scroll all the way down there or read the story, up to you!


Today was an important day, it was one to remember, it was in everyone's calendars, it was the day for Amy's sergeant exam. Y/N and Rosa were crowded around Jake's desk talking about recent cases. Meanwhile, Charles was in the kitchen making a sandwich as Amy aimlessly walked into the bullpen, her eyes were glued to her palm cards. "What?" Amy pursed her lips together, looking from her cards to the boy.

"Uh, nothing." Charles hesitated. "I'm gonna go over to there now." He pointed to the break room before stumbling over to Jake's desk. "Jake, what's going on? Why is Amy's hair like that?"

"Oh, she obsessively braids her hair when she's nervous, and she's super nervous 'cause she's taking the sergeant's exam today." Jake clarified as he span around from Y/N to Charles.

"But Amy loves tests."

"Not this one." Jake propped his arm up on his desk. "It's always been her plan to be the youngest captain in the history of the NYPD, but if she doesn't pass this exam, she's gonna have to wait another three years to take it again, and that'll disrupt her entire life calendar."

"Is that a real thing?" Charles' head tilted back slightly.

"It hangs over our bed," Jake replied.

"So she's stress-braiding. Big deal. That's like a one on the Santiago Panic Scale." Rosa shrugged before seating herself on Jake's desk.

"Yeah, she's gone to level three once, getting to the test early." Y/N stated.


Teen Y/N sat in the living room with her brother watching T.V as the phone rang, she sighed before rising from her seat and scrambling over to the phone, "Hello, Y/L/N residents." She muttered into the phone.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Amy asked as Y/N seated herself on a nearby stool.

"I'm watching 'SpongeBob' all the customers just left Krusty Krab, again." Y/N reveled trying to contain her excitement.

"There's no time! The test is about to start!" Amy wailed.

"What? Amy, the exam doesn't start for another..." Y/N glanced down to her watch. "Five hours."


"True, but we've also jumped up to level two, creepily singing songs from the Great American Songbook," Jake recalled the events from the night before. "That means the worst is behind us." He smiled in an attempt to comfort the three.

"Why are you taking so long to cook my frickin' oatmeal?" Amy yelled at the microwave before picking it up and throwing it at the ground.

"Yeah--oh." Jake stuttered as Amy pulled out her baton and starting beating the machine causing the whole bullpen to stare. "She'll be okay." He assumed, cautiously.

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