It's Time For The End

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Third POV
It was the week of the "scanning" and all the creatures in the school could be found in the Slytherin common room. Draco stepped up to the challenge of trying to hide the creatures. Hadrian was helping the professors find ways to get the students out should it lead to a bigger fight than what they were expecting. Tom called in some friends that he had made during his travels. Fumbledore was ready, he would finally get to finish the job he started years ago and end the last of the creature lords. He didn't know who it was just yet but as soon as he did , well he wouldn't kill the creature just then. He wanted to see it slowly suffer. Fred and George was worried for their brother in all but blood, they knew he was the last of his kind and could tell that he to was nervous.
Hadrians POV
It was time. Today at lunch Dumbly would be calling out kids by year starting from the first years and going up. Our entire future depended on Draco's ability to keep them hidden until we could sneak them out. He still hasn't told me what he's come up with but he's sure it will work.
"It will be fine Had, trust me." Draco whispered before softly kissing my forehead, he dropped me off at charms. We all agreed to keep up with appearances but he said he had some last minute things to tie up. After charms was history of magic and I used the time to go over the plan again and again with Blaise. All the creatures and professors would meet up in the Slytherin common room right before lunch, there Draco would tell us his idea or plan for messing up the tracker and making sure it didn't go off on any of the younger creatures. Once the creatures from fourth year and below were done being scanned lunch would be over , Sirius and Remus would be ready to sneak them out. Then by dinner it would be time for the fight. The battle for their freedom from Dumbledore, the battle for their mates and their children.
I was nervous, how could I not be? It seems like my entire life has been one disaster after another. I'm lucky and I usually get out but what if this time my luck runs out? What if all my life has been leading to this moment?
When the bell rang for lunch everything faded away. Next thing I realize I'm in the common room and Draco is staring at me nervously. He squeezes my hand saying something but I can't hear him. He wraps and hand around my neck and pulls my head to his chest. His heartbeat is soothing and soon enough I can hear everything again.
"Hadrian? Love? Are you okay?" He speaks softly in my ear not wanting to draw to much attention to us.
"No, but I will be."I whisper back. He looks in my eyes for a moment and must see whatever he needs to before nodding his head and going back to face Pansy.
"Okay! It's time," He stepped in front of the fireplace and made sure everyone's attention was on him, " I figured out a way to confuse the tracker but it's risky. This is a confundus perfume. The tracker has an advanced scent charm that is tuned into the blood of creatures. It's how it was made actually, they poured every creature known's blood over it while casting the charm. The perfume while backlog the charms reaction for at least two hours. Which means that roughly a little after lunch it will go off like crazy over and over again. It won't tell who it was reacting over but it will still let Dumbly know that there are creatures that got past him. This is where  you , Sirius and Remus , are crucial."
Sirius and Remus nodded all business. Draco then looked towards me, I nodded and joined him at the fireplace.
"Once lunch is over get out as quickly as you can without looking like you are. First and second years, you will be meeting Remus in the abandoned broom cupboard on the fourth floor trophy hall. Third and fourth years, you will meet up with Sirius on the seventh floor. Right next to the statue of the troll, just tap the troll and say Frey. Make sure you're not being followed or seen. They will make sure you get out of Hogwarts and into the safe houses safely, there you will be watched over by some of my fathers and my friends. Sirius and Remus you will quickly make your way back here and bring with you the people I told you about. By then it should be around dinner time and then we move forward."

A/N- Hey my lovelies! It's been a journey but I am ready to finally end the story. This was the first story I ever actually posted and I posted it on the first day back at school. Now as I am approaching the end of my final school year I think it's sorta fitting for my first story to end. I didn't actually expect it to be so long, sorry about that but I always love reading longer ones so 🤷🏼‍♀️ I have a few more chapters to go and lemme know if you all want another smut or if your good. I have posted my first chapter of my new story, it's a Tomarry but if y'all wanna I can write another Drarry or anyone ya wanna see. Thank you all so much for all the comments and votes and reads! I wanted to give up plenty but every comment and read make me wanna keep going. Thanks! Signing off-Faemist

I don't go looking for trouble!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant