Chapter 17

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My chair spun around as I faced towards the door. There he stands, leaning against the rim.

I sighed as I stretched my arm out. He threw the milk carton towards my hand, catching it.

"Kim Namjoon?" He asked. Namjoon stood up and bowed. "Yes, you must be Jungkook?" He nodded his head. I pierced the straw through the carton and sipped on it.

"Yoongi!" Jungkook yelled from upstairs. I heard a groan as I see my older brother lazily drag his feet up the stairs.

"This is Kim Namjoon." Kook said, Yoongi lifts his head up seeing my tutors identity.

Pausing, he widened it eyes, same goes for Namjoon.

"Why surprised?" I asked from the back of the room.

Nothing but silence crept in the room.

"Uh... what's with the awkward silence..." Jungkook scratched his head.

"It's been a while, Yoongi." My tutor suddenly said, slowly approaching him. He grasped the older into an affectionate hug.

"Yes, it's been a while..." My older brother broke the hug to look up the taller.

"Context...?" I asked from the back of the room, slowly sipping on the milk carton.

Sighing, my brother turned to me. "He was our neighbor, before he moved from this area." What a coincidence.

"He was my best friend, I honestly was embarrassed... your older brother a-always stood up for me, and I never stood up to myself when I was being bullied..."

Namjoon said, in a shy tone.

"I never saw you before though." The taller one said, "She's actually not my sister, more of my cousin." Kook said from behind Yoongi.

"Yeah... my real mom kind of... was tired of this world and, y-you know..."

My throat started to itch and my eyes started to burn.

"It's okay, Hei Ryung." Yoongi said.

"So we're technically cousins, but we treat each other like we're siblings." Jungkook leaned on the wall.

"We've got a lot of catching up to do after your session with Hei Ryung." Yoongi held his hand, softly smiling.


I come out of my shower, dressed as I ran the towel through my hair.

"They're still talking?" I looked at the clock on my desk. It's getting late.

I comb my hair and walked down the stairs, to see my tutor and my older brother enjoying their time on the couch.

I walk down, awkwardly moving towards them. "Yoongi, I think Namjoon should go home now, it's 8 already."

Yoongi stood up and twisted his head towards the clock up on the wall.

"Okay, Namjoon I'll take you home, it's dangerous out this late." Yoongi grabbed the keys to his car.

"Alright, I'll see you next time, Hei Ryung." He smiled, pulling my wrist to a warm hug.

Not knowing what to do... I slowly placed my hands on his back.

He pulled away and smiled once again, showing his dimples.

Hey... if you do that... I don't know what to feel.

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