Chapter 18

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Kim Namjoon

"Thank you for taking me home, Yoongi." I slid my hands in to my pockets.

"It's really nothing... hey, I need you to take care of her, Hei Ryung, she's special to me." He lowered his head down.

"I-I...I just guide her in her academics, Yoongi."

"Still, just...please, I trust you. Okay?"

What is this sudden pressure...


I flopped on my bed, "What a day..." I didn't know I get to meet him again.

I moved out of that neighborhood when I was 4, I remember nothing but him.

I stood up, walking towards my desk and stared at the mess of papers on the wood platform.


I have a connection with it. Music is something I rely on...such art.

I go through the sheets of paper, to find the specific one I started on the other day.

What was I thinking.

I made a song, for her.

How much more do I want to trick myself. Do I even like her? I can't...

She's too, too much of a...

I can't think of anything.

She's amazing.

I'll let time do its thing, let's see, if I make the. same mistakes again.

I sighed, leaning on the chair I sat on. As I reached out for a pen, ding. I heard my phone vibrate.

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