Chapter 26

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We drove home and arrived. I got out and struggled to take my bags out. I finally got in with the help on my brother and Namjoon. "Jeez, what did you buy?" Yoongi says after he throws one of my bags on the couch.

"Some stuff" I say and Yoongi glares. "it's pretty late, why don't you sleep over Namjoon?" The mint haired man said. "I'm not sure if I can-" "Oh, it's fine! You can sleep in the guest room." Jungkook chimes in.

"O-okay" Namjoon says in defeat of the two boys. "But how about my cl-"
"There's extra for the guest," Yoongi rudely cuts him off. "Okay,"
"Hei Ryung, how about you show him around?" Jungkook says. "Oh, o-okay," I walk upstairs with Namjoon behind me. "This is the bathroom and that's your room-" My words faded as he suddenly looks at me with his piercing eyes.

"Hm?" "O-oh, so-sorry" I walk towards the door and open the door.
"Get comfortable," I say as I leave the room, and walk towards my room.

Namjoon POV
I sat on the edge of the bed and felt comfortable. I lie down and suddenly I have a bad gut feeling, I sit up and stared at the carpet, when suddenly it hit me. "Monie..." He is probably hungry. I text Seok Jin,




Can you please feed Monie?

    Are you serious–

Yeah... I'm staying in a friend's house right now...

Who let's someone feed their pet at 11 AM.

Please hyung :(


Thank you Hyung (。・ω・。)ノ♡


I sight in relief, that I know he would but he probably wont but he would, yeah he is a confusing man. I turn off my phone and checked around the closet, wow, that's a lot of clothes for a guest room. I chose one and it was just a basic one, sweatpants and a shirt.

I took a towel and entered the guest bathroom. It was so neat and elegant, I turn on my shower and hopped in. I got in but quickly turned off the shower, "Oh my my my, that's cold,"

[A/N: You see what I did there ;) ]

I got it to heat up and I got in. I took my time and finished, I wrapped my towel around my waist and went out. Inconveniently the bathroom was not connected to the guest room and so I encountered Hei Ryung walking to her room. She scanned me up and down and flushed a deep shade of red.
"I-I'm so-sorry," She says as she quickly walked towards her room. I quickly got in and felt like I ran a marathon.

Guys :( thank you for helping ne reach this book to 2k reads, I'm so happy and yes, I'm still alive, sorry for not updating. Short chapter but I hope you enjoy it♡

I have a question, do you like other groups than bts? Like western artists?

Have a good day (。・ω・。)ノ♡

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