Part 1

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Now me and my family are here? Hmm, guess I should go with the flow.

" Mommy, what is my quirk?" I said innocently to my mom.

" Neechan what is wrong with you? Your quirk can change things when you hold it. Well,  mine is better than yours  'cause mine is 'beauty'!"

Owww~ well yeah she is sure beautiful. Hmm i look at mom.

"Here I saw it a while ago when cleaning" she hand me a diary.

I took it and before i said anything, she push me in my room and said fix myself. Because yes, I have an hour before class starts.

With that, I quickly do my daily routine and get my bag. I look at the things inside it and check if i have anything I need that wasn't  there. And for that, it took me 35 minutes to finish.

Wearing a short skirt, a black high sock covering my knees and a long-sleeve white blouse with a black ribbon on it, I think I look cute.

I tucked it. Walking in the dresser I spot a necklace which is a key necklace i pick it and wear.

I brush my hair and get a hair pin and put it in my hair. I walk to the door and pick the duplicate key of the house and my room key.

Well my house didn't  change so the things also.

"Neechan hayaku ( sister faster) you are so slow!" Okay she is already wearing a uniform that is not like mine. Hmm i look at my id yeah i have an id already.

The school gave it a week after i enrolled but the school name wasn't  the one i enrolled to. Hmm

"hey I'm finish" i said picking a apple and biting it. I also pick two bacon sandwich and put it in my bag.

" here" my dad said giving me my allowance.

" thats for this week ok?" I kiss him in cheeks and said

" thanks dada" fiona did the same. I was now in the door but i rush back at the refrigerator  and get a strawberry drink i always drink.

"(Y/n)  hurry you'll  be late  at school" my mom remind me.

  I run faster till i seat in the car. Before that i kiss my mom. The car headed in the school fiona was going.

" Neechan no need i can handle my self im 10 now so byebye " she kissed me and wave goodbye to me and my dad. I smiled and he start the car till we stop in front of my school. ' just like my school' i thought.

  "(Y/n ) behave yourself. You will be graduating soon. Dont make bad things ok? No more troubles understand? " why would i?

"Of course dad bye" i wave goodbye and he drive away.

" okay first day here. Hope things get better. " walking in the hallway searching for B-2 i was lost. I only have 4 minutes left till the bell ring.

"Where is my room?" I said out of irritation. Why is there so many rooms here?

" Are you lost?" Who is he?

" Hmm yeah" i said  sadly. " are you new here? Are you lost too?" He start to smile.

Oww he is so cute when smiling.

"No im just walking around and im heading in my class now. " he brush his brown hair  smiling making his eyes close and he suddenly stop.

" oww sorry my bad i always do that. So what room are you looking?" I smile

"  uhh its B-2  do you know where is it?" He look so surprised

"are you alright?" He wave his hands gesturing hes fine

" im just surprised  so you are the transfer they are talking about?" Huh maybe

"i guess?" He hold my wrist and run. I just follow him. We stand in front of the B-2 classroom and he let go of my hand.

  " thanks .." he smiled again

"Zane, Zack nexus " omhmm nice name.

" thanks zack. (Y/n) (l/n) nice to meet  you" he wave goodbye so do i.

" bye (y/n), see you around." I smile and as i open the door i was shocked by the red paint falling in me.

Hope you love it guys.. happy reading. Vote please

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