Chapter 7

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Ashlyn pov

I woke up later then usual. It didn't matter though cause we didn't have training today since it was a weekend. I suddnely got this burning feelin in my throat. I got up and went to the kittchen. I made me some pancakes, sausge, eggs, bacon, and biscuts. After I ate that I was still hungry. I was on my way upstaairs when I bumped into my mother. "Hi honey how are you?" She asked. "Fine I just feel a little weird." I replied. She gave me a hug. I felt this urge to bite her neck. Then my gums started to hurt. "ahhhahhhahhhh" I screamed as I felt some new teeth in side my mouth. "Oh no it's happening." My mother said. "What's happening to me what do you mean?!?!?!??!!"  I asked freaking out. She sat me down on the couch and said. "Here drink this." She handed me a bottle. I would  have questioned it but my instics were telling me to drink it because it would make me feel better so I did. It tasted so good. It was blood. WTF?!? WHY DO I LIKE DRINKING BLOOD?!?!?! "Okay so let me tell you whats happening to you. You were born a vampire hybrid. My mother was a vampire but my father was a werewolf. When they had me I was born with more werewolf traits than vampire traits but I still had some vampire traits. I couldn't surrvive just off of human food I needed to have a little bit of blood. My parents found a potion that could suppress my vampire side and I wont need blood. Your sister and brother didnt get as much vampire they only got higntend sences. But when you were born we figured out that you were just like I was but also had more than just regular werewolf power but white wolf power. Theres one more thing left. My mother was a royal vampire thats why your eyes change to purple instead of black when your mad. We supressed your vampire side with the same potion but when you left it wore off." She said. That was alot to take in. The only thing I could say was, "can I have some more of this blood?" She just chuckled and went in the kittchen. She came back with a blood bag. I took it and drank it hungrily. I was no longer hungry. "So I'm a hybrid werewolf vampire with special powers." I said after I finished my 'drink'  "Basically yes" She said. "So I guess that's why I can resist Jake's Alpha tone?" I asked. She shook her head yes. "You are more powerful than you think. You know that show you watch the vampire diaries. Well you can also turn off your emotions. When your eyes are a dull silver color that means that your emotions are off." "Okay well then I'm gonna go upstairs and learn how to control my hunger around people because I almost bit you." I said. "Oh honey thats easy you only did that because you haven't feed in a while." She said. I nodded and went upstairs to my room. I sensed someone at the door so I got up and opened it. It was my ex mate. "What do you want?" I asked in a expressionless voice. "I wanted to tell you that I dont want another chance to be your mate. I don't care about you anymore thats why I stood you up." he said. "Whatever is that it" I asked in the same voice. I must have turned off my emotions. He walked off looking hurt. I went in the bathroom and looked at my eyes. I was right my eyes were a dull silver. I'm hungry. I went downstairs and outside.  I went to a park. There was a teenage girl sitting on a swing by herself. I wonder if I can transformher into a vampire. I need a feeding buddy. I walked up to her. I bit my arm and made her drink my blood. After that I twisted her neck. An hour later she woke up. So I guess the only thing left is for her to drink blood. I found a human and walked up to him. Time to see if compolsion works to. "Follow me and don't scream." I said looking into his eyes. He followed me and didn't scream when my new friend fed off him. Well this should be alot of fun. "Hi I'm Ashlyn your new feeding buddy." I said to her. She smirked. "So I'm finaly a vampire  yay!!" She screamed. "Wait you know about vampires?!?" I said. She nodded excitedly and said, "My best friend is one and she told me but wouldn't turn me." I shrugged it off. "Well then turn off your emotions so we can have some fun." I said. "Sorry but I think I should stay sane so that I can keep you from killing everyone. And my name is Callie."  She said. I shrugged and said, "Whatever just come with me Callie." I said. We walked back to the pack house. I went inside and grabbed the keys to my motorcycle. I came back out to see Brittany had Callie by her throat. I rushed to her and pulled her hand off with ease. "Keep your hands off my friend." I said to Brittany. "What are you talking about she's a vampire." She said. "Well so am I" She was shocked by what I said. "Come on Callie lets go I'm hungry." I said. I got on my bike and so did Callie. "Where are you going" Brittany said. "To New York city. The place that never sleeps. We are very hungry so why not go there. Bye!" I said then pulled off. This should be fun.


Whats up guys do you like this chapter. I know its alot like vampire diaries but hey i couldnt resist i am obssed with that show. well avoir. (means good bye in french) picture on side is Callie

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