Habits of My Heart *

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*Sexual Content*

Lauren G!P

“Lauren just get out,” Camila cried.

They had been at odds for months, slowly drifting apart from one another but neither of them had the heart to end things. It was probably for the best, Lauren was starting her new job as a photographer for some big modeling agency and Camila, along with having a corporate job, was trying to kick start her writing career. Things weren’t going exactly how she planned but they were looking up, a few hours prior she had a rather successful meeting with a big publishing company. Turns out they loved her work and they would work to get her novels on the shelves as soon as possible. That’s why she nearly sprinted home to tell Lauren, but ended up getting her heart crushed when she found Lauren making out with one of her models on their couch.

After kicking the girl out, the hour long screaming match came into play. Lauren swore up and down that the girl was just coming to work on some layouts for the shoot but Camila wasn’t having any of it. She stomped to their room in a fit of rage and tore all of Lauren’s things from the closets and drawers. She screamed and cried for the green eyed girl to get out but with Lauren being a stubborn hot head, she retaliated by screaming even louder in attempts to defend herself.

“Camz, I swear she kissed me!” Lauren shouted.

“It sure as hell didn’t look like that,”

“Well that’s what happened! It was bad timing,” The green-eyed girl tried to step toward Camila but she only stepped back and held up a pointed finger as a warning.

“Lauren I swear to god you have ten seconds to get the fuck out before I call the cops,” Camila said, her voice was shaky and there were hot tears welling in her eyes but she couldn’t bring herself to cry, not right now, not in front of Lauren.

“You’ve never been supportive of my dreams,” Lauren exclaimed throwing the pile of her belongings to the ground so she could stomp up and come toe-to-toe with the fuming brunette

“What!” Camila yelled. “Lauren, all I’ve ever been is supportive of you. I turned my fucking office into a studio for you! I recommended you all over the goddamn city to find you the job you have now! Do you know how much money I’ve spent on all your fancy high-tech equipment?”  

“Camila you don’t even like the models or any of the other people I work with,” Lauren crossed her arms.

“Of course I don’t. Because I knew one day I would come home to this shit!” Camila hollered. “I knew you would do something with at least one of them. We don’t talk like we used to, you barely show any affection, you’re always so secretive. Lauren, you’ve been distant for months.” Her voice cracked.

“Don’t you dare play the victim and act like you haven’t been either,” Lauren griped.

“How am I playing the victim, Lauren?”

“Because you’re acting like you’re haven’t snuck in at an ungodly hour of the morning. Or you haven’t lied to me and said you were staying at the office late. And making me eat dinner alone because you’re out doing God knows what with God knows who,”  Lauren finished with a large puff of breath.

“Are you saying that you think I’m out cheating on you?” Camila questioned, “Because I think you’re forgetting that I just walked in on you kissing one of your clients.”

“She fucking kissed me!” Lauren exclaimed, waving her arms around like a mad woman.

“Well she can kiss you all she wants now,” Camila said turning on her heels, she walked to the door and opened it, motioning for Lauren to leave.

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now