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Hadrian crouched in a corner of his room. he was looking at a python he had encountered on his travels around the forbidden forest. The snake was hissing randomly pouting at Hadrian. Hadrian chuckled and whispered in Parseltongue "Hello little snake." The snake snapped its head up at Hadrian. "You call me small? Have you seen those Garden Snakes, They are Midgets!"

Hadrian laughed. "Yes, I know. What is your name? I would like you to be my companion."

The Snake thought for a minute before replying with, "Yes, I will be your companion since you are a speaker. I have no name." Hadrian thought for possible names before saying, "What about Spike?" The snake snorted "Yes I like that." Hadrian softened a bit looking down at Spike "Now, Spike I need to go to the Great Hall. Go on my shoulder"

Spike slithered up Hadrian's arm - giving him the chills. Once Spike was in a comfy position Hadrian walked out of his room to see Draco, Pansy and Draco's friend Blaise waiting in some Armchairs. Draco Immediately stood up when Harry walked out and raised an eyebrow at Spike. Hadrian noticed this and stroked Spike. "This is Spike. My new companion." Draco nodded and Pansy Cooed at Spike, who snorted in disgust at the unfortunate faced girl. Blaise stood awkwardly next to Draco. Hadrian Acknowledged him. "Hello Blaise. How do you do?" Blaise nodded and smiled. "I am good" Hadrian made a mental note to invite him to the next meeting.

The group walked down to the Great Hall chatting. Hadrian was feeling happy now that he had a group of friends and a companion he could trust. He entered the Great Hall and sat down at the Slytherin Table, pushing Harry's glasses back onto his nose.  He spotted Luna, Fred, George and Neville as they walked into the hall. Hadrian waved them over and they came and sat down on the Slytherin table. Hadrian introduced Spike to them, which was a success. He was about to pick up a piece of toast when he felt someone tap him on the back. He spun around.

It was Ronald and Ginevra. Ginny sighed and wistfully looked at him, her hands running through her hair whilst Ron looked aghast at him. Hadrian looked at the Gryffindor table and noticed that Hermione was sitting by herself pushing her food around the plate. Ron smiled cockily at Hadrian and said "Hey mate, you haven't hung out with us for a while." Hadrian put on a fake smile. "Sorry Mate, I have been trying to adjust to my new house." Ron stared in disgust at the rest of the Slytherins and stated, "Mate, I don't think Slytherin is the place for you. Come back and sit on the Gryffindor table with me, Ginny and Mione." Harry smiled again and shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry Ron but Slytherin is the place for me. I am still the same Harry though." Ron snarled and shouted, "Mate! This place is NOT for you! Slytherins are all dirty, evil, horrible cockcroaches!" The whole hall was looking at them by now, including a very serious looking Severus. 

Ron looked at Spike before saying "Anyways what is with the snake?" Hadrian said, "Oh, I found a large nest of Pythons. This one is now my pet." Hadrian whispered to Spike to lunge at them. Spike hissed and lunged forward snapping his mouth. Ginny squealed and Ron screamed. Hadrian laughed. "You two should go back, I don't think Spike likes you. I don't know why." Ron scowled before stepping away and walking back to the Gryffindor table, with Ginevra running behind him. Hadrian laughed before looking at his post the owls had just dropped. 

It was a letter he had not expected.

Dearest Harry,

I noticed how you have been with the Slytherins lately and need to talk to you. Its about Dumbledore. I have charmed it so it looks like a magazine poster to anyone you don't want to see this. Meet me outside the Room of Requirements at Seven tonight. Feel free to bring Draco.


Hadrian looked up at Hermione who was staring at him nervously. He nodded and she smiled. 

Draco looked at the note and said, "are you sure you should do this? Dumbledore might have set her up." Hadrian nodded. "Yes I am going to go. We can bring Veritaserum with us and have our Occulemency shields up high." 

Draco nodded. "I will come with."

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