Chapter 13

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Your mouth hangs open as Jungkook looks at you hesitantly. "J-Jungkook- what!"

"Look, I know that this is shocking news to you but please try and understand-"

"I messed up so bad," you say while crouching down and holding your head between your hands. 

"H-he was just trying to help you, and I-"

"You're not mad?"

You shake your head, "he's not doing anything wrong, he's still being a proper prosecutor, he was just going to issue you a lighter punishment. I-I ruined that for you, I-I'm sorry."

Jungkook exhales before crouching down as well, "don't worry, you didn't know so it's not your fault."

Silence envelopes the cold walls of the meeting room as you and Jungkook delve into deep thoughts. 

The two of you still crouching on the floor as if looking for a lost item. Jungkook notices your expression, how you look so lost in thought, and he takes that time to inspect your saddened facial features. His eyes wander over your glassy irises, then down to your cute button nose and finally stop at your lips. 

Those pink luscious lips that you constantly bite on due to anxiety.  

Jungkook clears his throat suddenly before standing up straight and walking to the furthest corner of the room, memories of your body pressed against his, running vividly through his mind.  You look up at him confusedly and notice the light crimson painting his pale cheeks. 

You realise what's going on and cautiously sniff the air. "Jungkook, don't worry it doesn't even smell bad."

The boy tilts his head and scrunches his brows, "huh?"

"It's okay, we all fart sometime-"

"I DIDN'T FART!" Jungkook yells as his cheeks redden more profusely, his voice sounding offended. 

You laugh, "okay, geez. Then why'd you run away?"

Jungkook shrugs, "to think."

"Was my presence bothering you?" You ask jokingly. 

"No," Jungkook replies instantly. 

You sigh before continuing to grieve over your stupidity. 

"If you hurt someone's feelings, what would you do to apologise?" You ask the brunette as he slowly moves back towards you. 

You stand up straight and look up at him. He shrugs. 

"Geez, thanks for that wonderful idea buddy," you hiss at him sarcastically.

"If you want to apologise, do something that comes from your heart, not from someone else or... google," Jungkook states with a displeasing look. Upon hearing his words you sheepishly slip your phone back into your pocket. 

"I don't know how I'm supposed to apologise after messing up so bad."

"If you're truly sorry, even the smallest things you do will leave a big impact," Jungkook says before smoothly walking out of the meeting room. 

Moments later he returns with a security guard leading him in. 

"I forgot I was in prison," the boy mumbles causing you to laugh. 


You pace around the office, nervously waiting for the arrival of the blonde haired boy. 

"Yass queen, burn them calories," Taehyung shouts from his seat. 

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