Chapter 16

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"AGHHHH," The ravenette screams in frustration, her cheeks tinted with the harsh shade of scarlet as her insides coil in anger. 

"Where the fuck is it!" the girl staggers to her desk, almost like a drunkard exiting a bar. Her irises shake with raw emotions as she searches relentlessly for the small piece of paper. The girl pushes off the items on her desk, shattering the small picture frame that had once stood on the corner of it. She clenches her fist as she scans the contents on the floor. She sees everything, pens, documents, pictures, food. Yet her eyes are still in desperate lookout for the one thing she can't see. Her notes. The notes she spent hours making. Spent days researching. The notes she put so much effort into. 

The notes for the next trial.

 She even put her name on it so that if it got lost someone could return it back to her. But no one returned it back. She is furious. Furious with herself for being so absent-minded. How could she be so careless? So stupid? 

Ava sniffles as tears brim her eyes. Her anger diminishes as starts to sob. Taehyung, the boy that was staring at the scene play out, looks at her with a concerned expression. "Hey, Ava, are you okay-"

"I'm f-fine," she interrupts before she storms out the room, her fist clenched. She was not going to lose. 


"I got good news and bad news," you announce as you enter the interview room. Jungkook looks up at you, forehead creased in anxiety. 

"What's the bad news?" 

You chuckle, "Pessimistic ass. Anyways, I was just messing with you, there is no bad news. Good news is that I have Ava's notes for the next trial which means we are probably going to win."

Jungkook smiles so wide that you start to wonder if his jaw is okay. "Really!"

You nod, "yep."

"Oh my god that's a relief," Jungkook says while holding his chest. "I thought I was going to die."

"Lol same."

"So what's the plan?" the brunette asks, gesturing towards the stack of files you were holding.

You smirk, "well..."



"No, you freakin cheated!" 

You slowly walk up towards the boy, eyes glaring. "I. won." 

Jungkook looks over at your paper aeroplane which had landed slightly in front of his. "Screw you. whatever, I don't even care." 

You laugh at the boy's sour expression before going to pick up the planes. 

How did these two get so sidetracked one might ask? Well after hours of building an argument stating why Jungkook, in fact, did NOT hate his parents, the two of you simply got bored.

Jungkook scoffs at you before scrunching up the paper and throwing it at you. 

You dodge the incoming paper causing Jungkook to roll his eyes. "Where did it go?" you ask while trying to find the ball that Jungkook had just thrown. Suddenly Jungkook bursts out into hysterical laughter.


"Y-you bahhahah it's i-in your h-hair."

You reach for your head and pull out the paper ball that was thrown earlier. Now you start laughing as well. 

"Oh-oh my god."

It was as if the two of you smoked weed because now everything just got funnier as you two laughed. Jungkook points at your hair while holding his stomach, laughing. You laugh so hard that you snort which causes the two of you to laugh even harder. Tears start pouring down your faces, your lungs beg for air and your stomachs twist in pain. 

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