42. Daddy Roiland

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I'm at home talking to my dad on Skype. Me and my dad talking on Skype whenever he got time to do it since he clean himself up unlike my mom. He stop doing drugs before I turned 6 when he almost died from drug overdose and I wasn't be able to be around him like that.

That's another thing that me and Kaylin got in common, we got parents with drugs problem but cleans themselves up and became sober. Now he own the barber shop at Augusta and married. I tells him everything including Kaylin since he treats me way better than my 2 ex boyfriends.

After I been talking to my dad on Skype, he was happy that I'm around people that positive like the Blake-Clark family and want to meet them one day. He told me he loves me and I logged off my computer and went to sleep because I'm tired from all the fun I had with Kaylin and his family.

When I meet my stepmom, I hope she not a negative bitch like my mom is. I hope he likes Kaylin and appreciate him for loving his daughter for who she is and not caring how big I am.

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