Chapter 8

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"Can you stop following me just once?" I looked at him like he hit his head or something.

"Okay. That's so easy." I walked back to the room and waited til I felt the tingling sensation. I smirked

"Oww!" He groaned but caught my waist to keep him steady.

"Tadaaaa" I wiggled my hands infront of his face. He rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Atleast a distance? Like I won't feel you with me." I shrugged off the pain. I decided to be silent and made sure I'm four and a half meters away from him.

I observed him. He's caring and sweet when his grumpy facade breaks. Maybe it's too tiring to hide when you're with him 24/7.

I was lost in thought that I didn't notice him walking so when I felt the tingling sensation, I immediately ran after him. I sighe din relief when I didn't get zapped. I smiled but someone bumped into me. Making my body froze. I held my head as it throbbed.

"Andwae!" I cried. My hands and feet are tied up and I feel someone hover above me.

I gasped and tears fell in my eyes. I felt tingling sensation and in a second I was pulled to yoongi's body.

"Yah! Wh-" he held my shoulder and I shrinked away.

"What's wrong?" I feel myself shivering. I only got a glimpse but it already felt awful.

"Hey. Look at me." He grabbed my face, making me look at him. My lips trembled and I sobbed. He hugged me tightly and rubbed my back, whispering calming words despite his demeanor.

People are looking weirdly at him but he didn't care. He never did. He never once gave a shit to what others had to say and let them think what they want.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I looked down and he pulled my chin up to him.

"I can't help you if you won't tell me." A shaky sigh escaped my lips and wiped my tears

"I bumped into someone and I remembered something..." he waited for me to continue

"I saw myself being tied up..." I unconsciously rubbed my wrists.

"A guy... hovered above and I was screaming no.. I don't want to know what happens next." I cried. I huhhed myself and rubbed my arms.

"Who is it?" I looked up at him and his eyes held anger.

"I don't  know.. I didn't notice." He looked around frantically and pointed one side

"Did he go that way?" I shook my head and pointed the other way. He grabbed my hand and grabbed every guy that is on his way. Everyone was scared until he pulled his brother, jin. Jin looked at my direction and I hid behind suga. I feel like he can see me. But why hide? I don't know. I just feel uneasy.

"Why I missed you too! You haven't been with us since you arrived, I jeard you have an imaginary friend?" His eyes darted on me again and I hugged yoongi's back, he stiffened with my sudden skinship. He looked back to me and I rest my forehead on his shoulder, looking down.

"Is he or she there? mind introducing me?" He wiggled his brows. Yoongi dismissed him and rolled his eyes.

"Did you see someone weird going this way?" Yoongi roamed his eyes and I also did the same, still hugging him

"Yes." We both snapped our head to his brother


"Here. In front of me. Want to borrow my mirror?" Yoongi punched his brother's arm making me gasp

"Oww! What was that for?" He pouted and rubbed his arm that I believe will be sporting a bruise. He did not jokingly punch him after all, he punched him, punch him.

"I thought I wouldn't punch you cause you're still older than me but then decided I don't really care." I pinched his side making him cringe and glare at me. We glared at each other and he lost, making me stick a tongue out at him which he attempted to pull. Who does that? Jin chuckled and I hid behind his back again.

"Did he/she stuck a tongue out at you?" My eyes widened. Yoongi's brows furrowed

"You always do that when we're kids. You managed to catch jungkook's tongue and let him suffer." My jaw dropped

"What? Don't look at me like that. Weren't you ever tempted to do that?"

"No." And he dared to look at me like I was the weird one.

"Anyway, I'm heading to the infirmary." Yoongi tilted his head at his brother

"They found him." Yoongi stilled and then he dashed towards the clinic, forgetting about me.

"Oh, boy." Was all I could utter when my body got zapped to his chest. Why not his back, right? Tch. The impact had us rolling to the ground but his arms automatically protected my body... err... soul?

"You know, even if I bleed in this form, it won't affect my body." I deadpanned.

"Why do you always do that?" He panted.

"How many times do I have to tell you? We have to maintain the five-meter distance or else this happens." I calmly explained for the nth time

"I've been gone for years and this is what I see when I get back. Why are you intimately talking to the grass?" His head snapped to a guy I can't see because of the sun's rays.

"Jaewon!" He got up and hugged the guy. It's my first time seeing him smile like that. But when I saw the guy, I got tongue tied and my body froze. Is it because of his handsome face? I don't know. But my heart seem to be accelerating. Am I inlove?

"Where were you?!" Yoongi punched his shoulders, this time, jokingly.

"I honestly don't know. I've been passed on to several people and places." The guy, jaewon put his hands on his pocket and kicked a rock.

"Have your brother already seen you?" Jaewon snickered

"No. But speak of the devil and he shall appear." Yoongi looked at me and I saw his hand swish to the left. I tilted my head

"Move it." He whispered. Oh.

"Long time no see, brother." Kwon Taehyung made no reaction and just nodded his head to his brother's direction. Well, half brother.


This chapter is dedicated to jinjamaLdita, Moonbeam33, Ligneous94, thank you for the upvotes, comments and for following me 😊

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