Chapter 18

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"I told you not to say anything! Why did you tell him about jennie? Jisoo, can you scold him?!" I hit his abdomen as soon as we got back in their room.

I paced back and forth but he just stood there, looking down with his fists clenched.

"Jisoo..." he started. I thought he's talking to her.

"she's gone." I froze.

"What? What do you mean she's gone?!" I held his shoulders firmly, making him look at me

"That's why I came to find you! She disappeared in my arms." He looked up to shake away the tears. My arm fell losely on my sides. This can't be happening.

"You said you have leads!" He looked desperate.

"I have. But we need to go find Park sehun." I sighed.

"What is it?" He must've sensed my uneasiness.

"How well do you know Kwon Jaewon?" His brows arched as he tried to read me.

"We grew up together. But as you know, he had gone missing for years. So no, I don't know him that well unless he hadn't changed a bit, but we have no idea what he'd been through to say so." He frowned

I sat down at the edge of jisoo's bed.. or yoongi's... or whoever owns it.

"There are three things I'm sure about." Yoongi snapped his head to me.

"First, the parks. Something is up with them." I need to know if sehun is an ally or a foe. Park suho is clearly involved with jisoo's disappearance.

"Second. Kwon Jaewon, is the prime suspect of jisoo's disappearance." he was about to sit beside me when he froze midway.

"That's bullshit!" He stood up, yelling.

"I don't know how but I'm sure of it." His breathing labored. He's angry.

"Jaewon would never." But he doesn't sound so sure himself. He's trying to convince himself that his childhood friend won't do such thing.

"you said so yourself. You don't know him anymore. You don't know what they did to him."

"And the third?" He whispered.

"Jennie Kim, is in danger." I grabbed his arms when he tried to storm out.

"Stop it right there! I know you're going to confront jaewon, but I'm telling you not now. You'll sabotage everything we've learned."

"There isn't enough time! You know what it means if I can no longer see her! If she's no longer here! She could be dead!" Tears streamed down his face and he amgrily wiped them.

"Or she could be awake." His brows connected.

"I can't just stand by and wait! I don't like this uncertainty of her life. I promised to save her." His voice broke.

"We will. But we can't do this without a plan. If you go on ranting to them without making sure, they might escape and jisoo might really won't make it. If we do this thoroughly, we need to plan it well so they will have no escape." He shook his hand away from his grasp.

"What's the plan?" I sighed and told him what I saw by the garden.

"You're aware of the knight since you are from the Kwons." He nodded, sitting down on his bed

"Park sehun works for the parks. We need to know if he's an ally or a foe." I just hope he's an ally. I don't wanna kill him if I have to.

"What then?" I looked up at him and smiled, crossing my legs as I sat on the chair.

"We need all the ally we can get since we don't know what we're up against. But make sure to take the only ones you trust. I say Kwon jimin and Taehyung." Specially taehyung. I believe he has something to do with his brother's animosity.

"How about you?" He nodded over to me.

"I'm gonna tell the jennie kim. I need her as a decoy." His eyes widened

"That's dangerous! You said so yourself, we don't know what we're up against." He declined

"She's already in danger the moment you told the suspect who she is in his brother's life. The main reason why jisoo became his target was because he thought she was his brother's girl."

"He's still resentful towards taehyung." My eyes cocked a brow.

"Care to elaborate?" I crossed my arms

"He is an illegitimate child, and although he was taken in by his father, he really wasn't treated as one you know? Taehyung wanted to be kind to him but to him it came off as boasting so taehyung decided to ignore him as he wished. He felt like taehyung took everything away from him." Ahh.. why take him in if he won't be treated the same?

"What about his mother?"

"His mother died, that's why he was taken in, in the first place." Sense of responsibility. But not quite in the right way.

"So anyway, it"s better that jennie knows what might happen and what to look out for." He sighed

"I don't think taehyung will let her."

"He will have to. We have no other choice. There's no other perfect decoy than her."

"Take a rest for now. Get all the energy you need. I have a feeling it's gonna be a long day ahead of us. We need to gather everyone tomorrow. We are racing against time. We don't know where jisoo is, and what her condition is." I told him not to be stubborn and go to sleep.

I got out of the room and headed to my chambers. I waited for the clock ti strike midnight a d I whistled. Two figures showed up, lazily yawning.

"Ppali. I wanna sleep." I rolled my eyes at their impatience.

"I got the suspects." That shut them up.

"Finally! So Where's our sister?" I glared at bobby

"Don't know yet. We'll find out." I told them about the plan. To say they were furious was an understatement. Although knowing Kim Jisoo isn't really their sister, they really treated her as one. Different from what Kwon Jaewon experienced. I wonder who abducted him in the first place. Where had he been? Who is behind all this? And what is their motive?

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