Chapter 19

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My eyes opened and I began to question if I had made the right choice. Again. I never wanted this. I just wanted to have a family that will accept me.

I sighed and think it's too late for remorse. I stared at the body in front of me and wonder if I should let her rest. She's been a comma after she hit her head, escaping from their clutches and I did nothing but watch thinking she was my brother's girl. To let him feel how it's like to have everything taken away from you.

I walked towards kim jisoo. She turns out to be yoongi's girl. I didn't expect that. They used me. That I know for sure.

I held her life support but then her fingers moved. My eyes widened and I scrambled to her.

"Jisoo-ssi?" I whispered. No response. Just when I thought I had hallucinated, her eye moved. She's  stirring! I hear footsteps and I panicked.

"Stay asleep. Please. For your safety." I whispered, hoping she heard me.

"What are you doing here?" I turned to the guy who used me. He was behind all this, but he did not move alone.

"Checking on her vital signs as usual. Why else would I be here?" I glanced at jisoo and thankful that she heed my request.

"Tell me if you see any changes on her." I nodded. He turned to leave and I can't help but ask

"Is she really my brother's girl? Kwon taehyung's girl?" He looked back and put his hands on his pocket.

"Of course. How many times do I have to tell you that? Why? You don't believe me?" His voice taunted.

"She just doesn't seem to be his type." He scowled

"She is everyone's type! And how do you know your brother's type? You barely got to know him. Just look after her and make sure she won't die. We need her alive... for now." My jaw clenched. I remembered how I got here.

I followed taehyung one day when we were kids, I saw him snuck out the school. He was their target, but got me instead. Too bad for them, no one really cared if I got abducted. Unspeakable things happened to me and I lost interest in being alive.

I found ways to escape only to be taken by a different people with the same purpose. A punch landed my face, breaking my nose, but it didn't hurt. I was sold from one place to another until they came. I know them. My family knows them. I thought I was saved.

I was confused when they didn't return me to my family. It had been five years since I was abducted. Five years that for me felt like a decade. I have always been hostile to my father and his family as they were to me. But they were the only ones left call my own.

They feed me words that made me completely despise the remaining family I have. I wanted to conflict pain on them as they had on me.

Within five more years I've slipped in and out of the campus without anyone knowing, but she noticed me. She was kind and pretty. I was happy meeting someone for the first time but learned she's my brother's girl. That angered me so I did not hesitate to comply their orders, his orders.

I hear her groan, pulling me away from my trance. Her brows furrowed, her eyes shut close and her hand moved to cover them from the light.

"Water..." I quickly shuffled to get her a drink. Guilt eating me, but I have a chance to make it right especially since she's someone important to yoongi. Who had been my best friend and the only one closest I have to consider as my real family.

"Careful." I helped her up and assisted her in drinking. She looked around her surroundings and then looked at me. Fear passed through her eyes and then it became hard and cold. My heart dropped. I did this to her.


I left my twin's room, caressing my jaw. Damn women and their instincts. I though she remembered but glad she didn't.

My head was suddenly covered by something. I tried to remove it but they closed it tighter to my neck. Choking me. I focused hard and calmed myself. I ducked and kicked forward. I hit someone. I was about to elbow the one behind me when I found myself going unconscious with one blow on my abdomen, knocking the air out of my body.

"I think you hit him too hard." I hear someone say faintly

"Don't be ridiculous, it wasn't that hard." I hear a familiar girl's voice.

"He's been knocked out for an hour now. The clock is ticking!" I groaned and they stopped bickering.

"Shhh, he's waking up." I tried to move my hands but I can't. My eyes snapped open and I was blinded by the light.

"What the—" my hands and feet are tied to a chair. I looked up and avoided the light.

"Yoongi. Turn off the flash light!" Lisa hissed.

"What are you doing? You. You work with the kims, what are you doing with the kwon?" She glared

"You are not the one to ask questions here. You answer us." Her eyes turned to slits and she took a dagger from her boot, making my eyes widen

"Is that necessary?" Yoongi shot her a confused look

"What? It adds to the suspense." She shrugged and lazily walked behind me.

I leaned my head back when I felt the cold metal pressed against my neck. "Now, shall we start with the questions?" She whispered on my ear.

"He can't answer you with the thing on his neck." Yoongi snapped.

I sighed when she got away from me. She dragged a chair and sat infront of me instead.

"Answer our questions and I'll let you live. You hear me?" She used the dagger to lift my chin. I clenched my jaw. I can't believe I let my guard down. Tsk

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