Chapter 26

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I boredly stared at the ceiling as I lay on my bed. I rolled over and laid on ny stomach and closed my eyes, inhaling the scent of my pillow.

I'm back with my friends and family but I feel incomplete. I have myself checked to make sure nothing's wrong with me and they said everything's normal and I'm healthy but why does my heart feel empty.

I badly miss someone, but everyone I could miss are all with me.

Jaewon? No. We're not that close for him to be of great importance that I'd feel empty without him.

My brows furrowed thinking of what or who may it be that I'm looking for. I traced the necklace I have and remembered the kid that gave it to me. Is it him? Did something happen to him?

I sighed and sat up on my bed and decided to go out for some fresh air. The cold breeze of the night greeted me and I hugged myself.

I looked up to the sky to look for stars but there's not much. I was about to go back in when I saw a familiar figure down the hallway.

I gasped and ran to where he is. Yoongi. He's back!

I carefully followed him to see where he's going. He has flowers with him. White tulips. My brows furrowed when suddenly changed direction. I saw him going inside the abandoned club.

I calmed myself and readied myself to follow him inside. I think I know where he's  heading.

I carefully trudged in and braced myself the memory of me being taken herenis still vivid. I shrugged it off, determined to face my savior.

I was about to climb down the hidden stairs when a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me.

My body collided roughly to his, his arms shot up protectively around my waist and our faces inches apart.

Why does everything seem so familiar? I stared at him and I was shocked to have myself long for him.

"Who are you?" I can't help but whisper. He cleared his throat and distanced himself.

"Kwon yoongi." He offered his hand for a handshake and I shook my head. He looked down and removed his hand

"No. I know who you are... but have we met before? Before you rescued me?" His eyes widened but quickly masked his face.

"We did, didn't we?" I was hoping.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I've been away in this country since I was a kid. I just got back from the states when you were missing." I was disappointed but didn't let is show. He might be weirded out if I did.

"Where are you going?" I held the sleeve of his jacket.

"I'm just going to pay for my respects to my best friend." I nodded slowly. I didn't realize that I was still hding unto him

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said, letting go.

"You can go back to your room. I'll be okay here." I nodded again and watched him descend the stairs.


I never thought I'd see her so soon. I was careful going in. I didn't want to see her yet. It took every will power of mine not to freak her out by hugging her tightly.

My heart broke when she asked me who I was but then clarified if we've met before. Lisa said it's impossible she'd remember the time she was with me while she was away from her body.

I headed down the hidden maze and slowly trudged the dark path to where she was taken.

The door was open so I came in. I looked at the place where jaewon died in taehyung's arms and knelt there, putting the flowers I brought.

"Thank you for coming." I fell on my butt when I heard someone spoke

"Did I scare you?" He smiled and I felt my eyes sting.

"Am I clairvoyant now? I seem to have interactions with ghosts and souls recently." He laughed. He looked alive if he wasn't glowing.

"I'm sorry." I looked down as I felt my eyes water

"No. I should be the one to say sorry." He chuckled

"What for? Idiot." I felt guilty.

"I wasn't able to save you." He punched my shoulder and I looked up

"You did everything you can yoongi. You even went to the states when you heard I might be there. You lived your life alone there and searched for me."

"Your home now and I am too." I let my tears fall as he ruffled my hair and disappeared.

I crossed my legs and pulled them to my chest and buried my face on my knees as I cried to myself and stiffled my sobs even if no one can hear me.

I hear some rustling and I looked up to see jisoo sitting beside me. I sniffed and wiped away my tears, feeling embarrassed to be caught crying.

"Here." She nudged me a ball of candy. My brows furrowed at the familiar candy.

"Come on. The spell won't work if you don't eat it." She pushed the candy of my lips and I opened my mouth to eat it.

"There there. Bitter bitter wither wither~" she chanted and I feel my breath hitch

"sweetness tickles life that matters." I finished with her and her eyes widened in shock. And then I smiled. I gave her my gummy smile.

"Sugar." She whispered.

"So it was you." I chuckled. Life is really full of surprises.

"I knew it! I knew we've met beforea" she jumped to hug me, making us fell on the ground.

"Why does my pillow smell like you?" She buried her face at thr nook of my neck.

"You didn't change the your pillow case yet?" I wrapped my arms around her waist, hugging her tightly

"Only that one pillow." She confessed.

"I was the one occupying your room while you were gone."  She let go to look at me.

"Thank you for not throwing my things out." She smiled

"Cause I know you'd be back." She smiled and hugged me back. I almost threw her off me when jaewon reappeared and sprinkled dust? Above us and winked, whispering it's his parting gift.

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