Chapter 10

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I chuckled when she ran off and followed her out. I can see she's doing her best to be far from me but not too far so she won't get zapped. I smirked and purposely ran.

"Yah!" I can hear her yell and run after me. I laughed out loud and continued to run, preparing my arms to catch her incase she gets zapped to me, which she did. I was smiling widely when I caught her. She panted and just blinked at me making me chuckle. She's so cute.

"Heol." I looked up to see my family all there looking at me wide-eyed, and jaws dropped.

"What?" I asked, panting.

"Okayy, before anything else, won't you arms feel numb?" I was confused at first but then remembered they can't  see her.

"Nope." I smiled, hugging her tighter to my body.

"What.. are you doing?" She glared and squirmed. I looked at my family members and ignored her

"Is the world ending?" My younger brother asked.

"Are you dying?" Taehyung stepped forward, going for a hug, making me turn so he hugged my back instead.

"Why don't you just let me go?" She pinched my chest.

"Can't you feel it?" I supressed a laugh

"Feel what?" She tilted her and I just wanted to kiss her. I shook away the thought.

"Something big..." I whispered. She blushed deep red making me laugh harder

"It's nice you laughing like that, although it's kinda worrying as well." I let go and faced  at the new arrival. Taehyung let go of me as well.

"Jaewon." I see jisoo huff and ran far from us, from me.

"It's more scary if you actually heard him whispering to himself before he laughs!" Everyone laughed, breaking the ice.

"We're glad you're well and alive." The brothers reunited. Jaewon is an illegitimate child.

"I'm sorry I can't say the same to you. You are alive, but you don't seem to be so well." I punched his shoulders laughing.

"I'm very well thank you very much."

"I'm not so sure about that hyung." I glared at jungkook and he gave me a peace sign

"It's been so long." Hoseok sighed. Jaewon put his hands on his pocket and smiled at us.

"It's good to be back." Taehyung hugged his brother and jaewon was surprised. They weren't really in good terms. But when jaewon went missing, taehyung blamed himself and that's why he joined to be the knight in our family where we do various things for our family. He only joined in originally to have full access in finding jaewon but we never found him until now. After what? Ten years?

"Where were you? We've looked everywhere for you." Jaewon kicked an invisible rock.

"I don't know either. I've been to here and there, I was just a kid then." Everyone was silent.

"Well, welcome back to the pack!" Namjoon clapped a hand on jaewon's shoulder

"Let's celebrate!" Everyone hooted and cheered.

"Don't tell you won't join in? You're my best friend, aren't  you?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." He hugged me and patted my back

"It's nice to see you again, yoongi." I hugged him back

"I'm sorry but I'm the bestest friend!" Jimin snatched me away from jaewon and they both pulled my arms, arguing who's my best friend

"Enough of the mushiness and Let's get it!" They howled and I laugh at their excitement.

"Tonight we'll be wasteddd!" In can't believe jin said that. Maybe the world is indeed ending

"Oh, wait... you do know how to drink right?" We turned to jaewon who snorted

"Dude, you have no idea what they made me drink back there." We were silent

"Hell yeah I can handle liquor!" The guys cheered and pumped their hands up in the air


"What are you staring at?" I stared at the loud guys celebrating their reunion with their lost family member.

"Is he the guy you saved?" I kept my eyes on him.

"Yeah. He was unconscious when we got him but no bruises." Weird.

"You think he was just kidnapped?" I asked my cousins

"Most probably. He have scars on his back though. Large ones, like he has been whipped with something." I cringed at the thought and felt my back ache

"Did he give any information?" Jinhwan hopped off the tree and landed on his feet then squatted down, taking out the lollipop on his mouth, a bruise forming on his left cheekbone

"None. He doesn't recall anything but being passed on from one person to another." Must be traumatizing.

"You seem very interested." Bobby rested his elbow on my shoulder

"I don't know. It just felt like I saw him somewhere." I tried to recall but nothing came

"Want us to look into it?" I looked at my cousins. Jinhwan stood up and threw his lollipop stick

"Yes." It wouldn't hurt to know about a stranger at our property right?

"You're not gay for him are you?" I glared at Yunhyeong who was busy creating his sandwhich.

"Wanna die?" His eyes widened when I snatched his sandwhich and ate it in front of him. Chewing slowly, deliciously when my tongue burned.

"I put wasabi in there." He blinked. I grabbed chanwoo's milk and chugged on it making the latter glare at me.

"And that people! Teaches you not to take someone else's food!" Yunhyeong made a speech

"And that also teaches you you6a dead body!" He ran away from me yelling

"I was just asking! I can be gay for youuu. It's the 21st century!" I grab a hold of him and put him on a headlock

"Should we stop them?" Dong dong asked

"Nah. Let yoyo dieee." Junhoe smiled evily

"I heard that!" Yoyo yelled

"I'm just kidding. Yah hanbin! We all don't know how to cook." I glared at junhoe

"Hyung..." I let go of yoyo and he coughed

"They seem to be having fun. Why don't we go as well?" Everyone turned to my sister who was busy filing her nails. I squinted my eyes

"Yeah sure. Why not?" She looked up to me in surprise

"You'd let me come with you?" She blinked, not believing it

"You're going anywhere I'm going now." Agter what happened to jisoo, I have been paranoid that my sister will be the next target. I just have this bad feeling and besides, I can observe which kwon she's dating.

✔ Triumvirate AcademyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon