Chapter 17

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"Yoongi?" I groaned, trying to sit up. He let go of my hand and helped me sit down and I opened my eyes.

"I was so scared." I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back just as tight. He pulled me to him, making me sit on his lap.

"You scared me more. I thought I was going to completely lose you." I sighed, enjoying his warmth. He loosened my grip around him, so I can face him. He caressed my face and leaned to his warmth.

"What happened back there?" He whispered, as if I'll break if he said it any louder.

"I don't know. But something there is really familiar though. I can't put a finger on it." I bit my lips.

"Hey, don't worry about it, you might disappear on me again." I could see worry in his eyes but I shook my head

"It doesn't work like that yoongi. Something is happening with my body. I just don't know if it's a good thing." It's most likely not. He sighed and held my hand

"I'll do everything to find you." I cupped his face to make him look up to me.

"Whatever happens, I'm thankful I met you." I smiled but he didn't. He shook his head

"No. We'll meet when you up. We'll meet in a different way." I chuckled

"You know, if I wake up, I might not remember any of this." He stilled

"Then I'll just make you remember me."  I closed my eyes and I felt his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, his tongue knocking on my lips. I opened it for him and slightly moaned against his mouth. He carried me to the bed where he sat against the headboard. His lips never leaving mine.

Iet my hands roam his body, from his back, to his shoulders, down to his chest. His kisses trailed down to my jaw and to my neck, sucking on it, making me arch my back, grinding on him in the process.

I bit my lips as I continued grinding on him, his hands firmly on my waist, helping me grind. He groaned sexily against my neck. I moaned when he licked and nipped on my earlobe and his hand groping my breast. Everything became heated when a memory flashed through my head.

I was following someone in the club, he's dragging me somewhere and I felt uncomfortable so I stopped and tried to free myself from his grasp but he won't budge. He picked up a drink and told me he'll let me go if I drink it so I did but my body felt hot and I looked at his face. My vision became blurry and I couldn't  breathe. I woke up, feeling a light directed on me. I tried to move but I'm tied up. The guy squatted in front of me caressed my face, I avoided his touch and glared at him.

"Let her go." A familiar voice said, I can't see him clearly cause he was against the light. I thought I was saved but I was wrong.

"I like it better when she squirms beneath me." I gasped as he straddled and I was too stunned to move. I was shocked to see a park. He started kissing my neck and I kicked him. I struggled to get away as he try to force himself on me. I was able to run but he caught me. There were others but they're just looking. With one last strength I was able to kick hin with all my might but I fell backwards and my head hit something.

"Jisoo! Jisoo!" Yoongi was shaking me.

"Hey, hey.. are you alright." He wiped my tears.

"I remember." I gasped when I feel like I'm being sucked.

"Y-yyoongi!" I tried holding on to him and he did the same but I'm disappearing.

"A park." Was all I could utter and he looked at me with pained eyes

"I love you." I whispered and I was gone.


"No!" I reached out to her but she was gone. My heart beat started drumming on my chest.

"Lisa." I whispered to myslef. I need to find lisa.

I ran out the room in a hurry and run anywhere my feet takes me. I panted and looked around but she's nowhere in sight. The club!

I ran to the club to see it's still in full swing. I got in and scanned the crowd. Where is she?

"Have you seen lisa?" I asked everyone on the way.

"Jennie. Have you seen lisa?" She's busy taking care of rosé.

"She left rosé to me walked away. I don't know where she went." I sighed and frustratingly grabbed my hair.

I scanned the whole crowd and looked for her everywhere in the club but couldn't find her. I was about to smash things when I remember I haven't checked the rooftop.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" She was with jaewon. She looked drunk as she slurred and made her way over to me.

"Don't say anything. Trust no one." SHe whispered and and slumped over to me, collapsing.

"Sorry dude, didn't know she was your girl. Thought that girl earlier was yours" He raised his hands up in surrender.

"She's not. Jennie's not mine either. She's your brother's girl." He stilled and I felt someone pinch me. I looked over to lisa and she glared at me but closed her eyes as soon as jaewon came near us.

"What? Taehyung's girl? Isn't it that jisoo girl?" My breath hitched and I stared into his eyes

"How do you know jisoo?" I asked and he looked away

"They told me she's gone missing. That's why the police comes in and out of the campus lately" I nodded hesitantly

"I'll just go take her home." I motioned to lisa and he nodded. I carried and lisa and was about to go when he stopped me

"How about you? You close with jisoo?" He looked uo to me expectantly.

"She's my girl." He was taken aback and guilt crossed his face. I left him and headed back.

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