First Entry.

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How do you remember your parents? That is how I would like to start this entry. Do you remember them as strict and overprotective? Or were they transparent and thoughtful? Letting you be you, let you play freely with your close friends.

Your mother who would feed you, comfort and nurse whenever you needed it, dry your tears if you fought to roughly with your schoolyard friends and clean up your bruises and scratches.

Your father would be a strong man who you could depend on. Who in hard times could provide you with a helpful advice and keep you on the straight and narrow if you were starting to stumble and from that good path.

All of this sounds so unconditional and fine.

But in this world, we as children do not always experience this type of love.

"My name is Rosanna Bauer" I am an orphan, of an Eldian and Marleyan parent. I have lived in Liberio for my entire life. And only ventured out into the outside world for war and refuge.

On this small piece of land, we call "Home", we are ordered to live. A mere ghetto, A place which is even less than a birdcage, if compared to the world I have seen on my journeys. A cruel way to contain the Eldian race in one place. Where we will stay until that inevitable day of judgement that our Marleyan superiors will bestow upon us.

Until That Day, the children of the Eldians are able to be put in the infamous "Warrior program"A tough, sometimes even cruel training method, children between the age of 5 and 7 are allowed to join this programme. Many of these children are brainwashed by their own parents and the state, and would give their entire life to the elite. Only to be on the leader board for a shortened life and a crappy death at that. Only their close family would live on a comfortable life, for the warriors would be fighting their wars away. Far from home.

Out of the top ten candidates, 7 lucky numbers were chosen. These seven children or teenagers would inherit their titans from the predecessor whom carried that titan with them for 13 years. It is an incredible honour if you inherit a titan, with that titan you also inherit the title "Honorary Marleyan" Which means you will no longer be perceived as lowly as the other Eldians, Eldians will even start to look up at you and praise you for helping the motherland, Marley.

As a five-year-old even I joined this program, and didn't even do so bad. I though, left my fruitful position for a shot at inheriting a titan, leaving the prices up for grabs for my classmates. I became a war nurse and later on in life, a doctor. I helped and healed in many battles, I helped put hundreds of children onto this earth during my work at Liberio's only maternity ward. I saw many awful and beautiful things. And I did many awful and beautiful things in my own way and time. For the wrong people, in the wrong time and in the wrong place.

But in the end, it does not matter. For this world is so cruel.

And yet so beautiful

From Rosanna Bauer's Diary.

Written in the year 852

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