Training to become parents? ~chapter 1~

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I DO NOT OWN ASSASSINATION CLASSROOM! OR THE CHARACTERS! Or else Karma and Nagisa would be together! I also don't own the picture on the
Cover😁. This is also my first fanfic and it might not be the best but I'm going to be working on it for a while with a whole load of chapters because I have a lot of ideas. The P.o.v's are going to be jumping about from a few different characters for just this chapter because I need to get a feel for some of the characters but that only applies for this chapter, other ones will be more like two P.o.v's through the whole chapters or just one. anyway enjoy this little story!😁

Nagisa's P.O.V
I was just having a nice sleep when suddenly...


My alarm thinks that it is okay to wake me up. So I switch of my alarm then I reluctantly shove the duvet off of my body and get out of bed. I can hear my mum mumbling thing to herself like how she has to find another beautiful dress for her precious daughter. The thought of having another dress just made me sick!
I finished getting changed as fast as possible and ran out of the house with a bit of toast in my mouth I really didn't want my mum hearing me and trying to give me another lecture about being a proper princess at school.

I walked along to school with my head down not really wanting to draw attention to myself. The only downside about walking with your head down was that you couldn't see where you were going and luck just wasn't in my favour this morning as I bumped into someone.

Karma's P.o.v
I possibly had the worst morning ever I woke up late...AGAIN! And well that doesn't go down well. On top of that I had to rush out this morning and I was in a big hurry to get out to school (to be honest I don't really care about school usually but the octopus said he had a surprise today and I was more than a little curious)

As I was walking at some speed someone bumped into me. I was about to give them a lecture about where they were looking until I looked down and saw a all well known little bluenett standing right in front of me. "Agh! I'm so so so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going please! I'm really really sorry!" Nagisa had obviously not noticed who he bumped into I found it cute nonetheless
"hay Nagisa~"
he just looked up at me and his face looked relieved to see someone he knew

"hay Karma!" He said with a smile on his face

"Wanna walk to school together?" I asked he just nodded.

Third person P.o.v
Karma and Nagisa walked together up the hill to the school grounds. Nagisa remembered that they were late and started running because he did not want to get into trouble.
"Hay Nagisa! Why are you running?"
"Because we are going to be late if we don't hurry!"

Karma just laughed at Nagisa and ran after him into the class.
They both thought that it was going to be a normal day (well as normal a day was for them) but once they stepped into the class's threshold they were welcome by a yellow octopus in their face and a sound of crying in the background.
"Ah! Karma, Nagisa! I'm so glad you guys came today I thought you wouldn't come! Anyway we have rearranged the seats and they are paired up please find the desk you guys are sitting at and sit down"

"What's this for Sensei?" Nagisa questioned but all he got in response was "oh you'll find out in a few minutes" and with that Nagisa and Karma where both seated in seats that had there names on them next to each other.

Nagisa's P.o.v
Me and Karma went to go sit down on our seats and I had a look round the class I was really surprised to see all the pairings sitting next to each other, Maehara and Isogai sat together, Nakamura and Kayano, Itona and Terasaka, Sugino and Kanzaki, and a whole bunch more. I scanned the rest of the classroom until my eyes found loads of cribs I counted at least 14 different ones and they all had names on them but I couldn't see them. Just as I was trying to work things out Koro-Sensei was at the front of the classroom looking extremely excited.

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