The morning of the sleepover ~chapter 27~

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Nagisa's P.o.v
I woke up to the sun on my face. For a minute I didn't know were I was till I remembered what happened the night before barely...I sat up slowly and looked around,
"Looks like I'm first up" I whispered to myself not wanting to wake anyone,

"Nnmmm Nagi~" I heard before being pulled down into someone, "stay" they whispered in my ear.

I didn't even have to turn around to know it was Karma, so I snuggled back down and tried closing my eyes again.

About 3 hours later I woke up to a lot of crazy shouting and then I was jumped on,
"Agh! What was that!" I said sitting up immediately,

"Get your fat and lazy butts outta BED!!" It wasn't Kayano but it was the pink girl again, (a/n😅 sorry but Mina's gonna hang around a few different chapters😂)

"Minaaaaa that's not how you do that!" Kayano said from the other side of the room, "it's done like this!"

Kayano took a running jump onto my very unlucky boyfriend, and landed on his stomach causing him to sit up and immediately start coughing,
"What the heck was THAT!!" He shouted,

"Well we were waking you guys up and I wanted to show Mina how it was done" Kayano said with a shrug,

Karma gave Kayano a death glare that said 'you have 5 seconds to get away before you die bish!' Then out of nowhere Mina started to laugh so we all looked at her.
"What?" Karma growled which caused her to laugh even more,

"Nothing, nothing!" She said putting her hands up in defence, "you just remind me of someone I know'l she smiled, "but he has like mega anger issues"

We looked at her before Karma spoke again, "Kayano, your 5 seconds are up!" He growled again then got up and chased her all around the house.

I just sat there not impressed with Karma but still finding it funny so I laughed along,
"So you said you had a friend who was similar to Karma?" I asked,

She nodded, "Yup! His names Bakugou" she laughed again, "but Kiri calls him Kat,"

I looked at her with curiosity, "Kiri?" I asked,

"Oh! Yeah that's his boyfriend" she chuckled,

"Ohhhh ok!" I smiled then laughed along,

"You also remind me of another one of my friends his name's Midoriya" she smiled,

I just laughed and we turned our attention back to thee Karma chasing thee Kayano.
"Kayano!" Mina yelled,

"Yep?!" Kayano yelled back still running,

"Imma head back now! But I'll come back soon and maybe I'll bring some friends!" She yelled back to Kayano,

"Kk bai sis!!"

"Bai!!" And then Mina ran out the house,

Though while Kayano's attention was distracted for a second Karma caught her and kicked to the ground,
"Hay! Karma no fair!!" Kayano whined under Karma's foot,

"Your fault bish!!" He said back,

"OMG WILL YOU GUYS JUST SHUT UP!!!" Maehara shouted at the two fighting,

"What?~ is it still not ickle Maehara' stoke to wake up?" Karma said in a baby voice,

"Oh shut up!" He complained and riled on his side to snuggle back into Isogai.

After about 30 minutes everyone had gotten up and were chatting,
"RiGhT yOu PeOpLe ArE gOnNa GeT Ur lAzY BuTtS oF Of DiS FlOoR aNd R gOnNa Go nD eAt BrEaKfAsT!!" Kayano shouted sounding drunk again then shouted 'reeee' and ran into the dining hall.

We all eventually got up and made our way over to the dining room and sat down,
"RIGHT YOU LITTLE STUFFS!!! BREAKFAST IS A DA READY!!" Kayano shouted for the hundredth time that morning,


"ohreallysoyouguyscanhearmeandunderstandwhatimsaying?" She WHISPERED! And spoke way to quickly,

"Um" we all said,

"ROGHT YESH FOOD REEEEEE!!!" She shouted running around then bumped into a tray of bacon and a bit flew of...she actually jumped and caught it in her mouth then slurped it up and said, "mmmmm mOiSt!" And then started to run again.

We all ate our breakfast after that and enjoyed it with a Kayano free hour before she had to be let in again.

We ended up heading back through to the main party room and chilling till drinks were passed out. I didn't drink any alcohol though, Karma had a little and Kayano and a few other had well... a lot ;-;

After only 10 minutes all the boys including me, were pinned down by all the girls while they giggle and put make-up on our faces. 
"You boys are going to be the prettiest girls at the party!!" They all cheered,

After lying on the floor for 40 we were released and aloud to look at our 'beautiful' faces. We all looked very interesting I will admit.
"HAHA!!! YOU GAYS LOOK GREAT!!!!" Kayano shouted,

"Ummm....Kayano you know not all of us are ga-" but he was cut of by a pillow being thrown in his face,

"Na! Shut up YALL R ALL GAY!!!!" And again it was out lovely Kayano,

We all just sighed and started to walk to the bathroom to clean the make-up of,
"UM...SCUSE ME!!!!! R YOU ALL IGNORIN MEEEEE!!!" Kayano said trying to run then falling on he face, "owweeee, Rioooo kiss me better pwease!!" Kayano pleaded,

"Nope!" Nakamura said running in the opposite direction of Kayano.

All the boys were in the bathroom trying to clean the make-up of.
We were all done cleaning of our faces in 37 minutes. We made our way outside to see the girls grinning at up menacingly.
"Time to dress up girlys!" All the girls said launching themselves at us,

We got no time to react so in to time we were all in girl cosplays.
"You are all disgraceful" Sugino hissed,

"Haha it's a pleasure to help!" Kanzaki said joining in on the girls madness.

"We're all gonna actually die!"
And that my friends is the last thing I said before things got weird...we were doing an interesting photo shoot and the girls were making us do things with each other ;-;

Soon though it was time for me and Karma to leave, thank all the lovely gods for that! And we headed home just counting down the time to see our innocent child again.

Hay! Hope you enjoyed! As I said Mina will probably be popping up every now and then but she isn't a necessity to the story😋 love you all very much and then for reading this chapter! Bye!!😋

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