A Goodbye That Last's Forever

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Nagisa sat at his husband's side, it wasn't a surprise that he was dying. They knew, they always knew that it would come round yet they kept on pushing it away, pretending that it wasn't there, pretending that it was false... pretending that they were young again.

Karma and Nagisa had aged well, they were now quite old and grandparents, so they were pleased to say the least but Karma has been told that he was slowly dying a couple of moths back. They hadn't told Elias, nor Asher or Harper.

Nagisa knew that when he and Karma adopted both Asher and Harper that Elias was pleased. He could be the older brother, first came Asher then came Harper. Nagisa smiled at the fond memories,
"What are you smiling at?" Karma asked looking over at Nagisa his eyes bearly open,

Nagisa gave a small smile, "just remembering how happy Elias was when we adopted Asher. And then how happy both he and Asher were when we adopted Harper."

Karma closed his eyes and leaded back more into the cushions smiling, "mmm, Elias was so happy..."

Nagisa smiled, recently he's been doing a lot of reminiscing so it was nice to talk about it a bit before he lost his one and only forever. Looking down a shimmer caught Nagisa's eye... his engagement ring. Laughing a little Nagisa lifted his hand up to get a better look at the worn out ring.
"You really had to propose to me in the middle of a paintball game while having me pined beneath you, didn't you"

"Course I did...only the best... for my Nagisa..." Karma didn't open his eyes this time, talking is enough effort as it is,

Nagisa gave a small huff of a laugh and then lifted Karma's hand so it was against his cheek. Nagisa missed the days where he and Karma would sit in front of a fire, Elias just gone to bed, and they would just cuddle. Sometimes they'd talk about what had happened that day but mostly they sat in silence and enjoyed each other's company.
"You know, you really don't come across as a hugger Karma, yet you have to give the best hugs" Nagisa smiled kissing the inside of Karma's hand.

"Speak for... yourself" Karma gave the best smirk he could in his state.

Nagisa gave a small laugh. In the background you could faintly head the sound of Elias crying, he and his siblings had all come round to help Nagisa once Karma had finally passed away yet they were the ones fearing the worst instead of Nagisa.
"You know, the only other time I've heard or seen Elias cry so hard was when he woke up and found that Parsnip had mysteriously passed away over night."

"...yeah... he was absolutely... distraught..."

Nagisa nodded a bit moving to hold Karma's hand. It was actually coming up to Christmas... and also Karma's birthday.
"You know we probably won't be able to celebrate your birthday together this year..." Nagisa trailer off, he told himself he wasn't going to cry, not in front of Karma. He's going to fill Karma's head with fond memories before he died,

"Course... we will... I'll always be.... here..... and you have the past.....to....... remember...." the end of Karma's sentence trailed of into a whisper.

Nagisa has to swallow hard, he had to keep the tears down, "Yeah, of course" and though he tried to stop it his voice squeaked up a pitch higher.

Karma slowly turned his head towards Nagisa, "you won't forget me....... I.....love........you" Karma finally passed on with a smiler ghosting his face,

Nagisa just stared blank faced. Until a single tear rolled down his cheek,
"I do and always will... love you too" Nagisa moved Karma's hand so it was laying by his side.

Memories of they're life together flashed before Nagisa's eyes as he started to tear up,
"This is a goodbye... that'll last forever.."

I AM SO SORRY!! I really just can't continue this book!! So this is a final chapter. Again I apologise that I couldn't continue this book properly, my mind has just been taken over my anxiety so I've not found myself doing a lot of writing. But I do really hope you enjoyed this mess of a book really! And thanks again!

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