The trip to Buckingham Palace ~chapter 8~

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Nagisa's P.o.v
This is a few day later and Karma is mostly better...he had a little cold but that's it.😋

I was woken up at sunrise as the beautiful colours of red, yellow and orange all hit my face.


I looked down towards the crib to see Elias sucking his stuffed avocado and looking semi content but as he noticed I was awake he started to do a worm like wriggle thing.

"Mmmm!" He raise his hands and did a little grabby motion,

"Heh you wanna come and cuddle?" I whispered over to him,

"Aahahaheee" He did his sweet little giggle and I just couldn't resist so I got out of bed trying to not wake Karma as doing so and grabbed him out of his crib,

"You are just full of energy aren't you Elias?" I said giving him a little tickle on him tummy, he did a little wiggle trying to not laugh to much.

Soon enough Karma woke up and sat beside me while Elias played with my clothes and I watched the Tv,

"Mornin' Blueberry"

"Mmm morning Karma" I said and gave him a smile,

My stomach felt a little cold and then there was a huge wait on it and a lot of heat, I looked down and found that Elias had managed to wriggle up my night shirt and he fit just perfectly.

"Haha Elias" I said while shaking my head,

"Ya know it looks like your pregnant" Karma had a smirk on his face and I was feeling DREAD, "hay Nagisa could you put you hands like..." he trailed of and grabbed both of my hand and placed them at my lower abdomen to look like ya know at a pregnancy photo shoot,

"KARMA!" I said pouting and blushing madly,

"Nagisa~ I just need you to stay like that for like one sec!" He took out his phone and started taking like BILLIONS of photos.

"Karma can you stop now!"

"Yup! They look great!"

"What're you going to use them for?"

"Well... you know how you were wanting another child,"


"Well when you do get pregnant I'm going to do a photo shoot and compare the pictures" he said with a some sort of smile on his face.

I just sighed and was about to get Elias out from under my top when we both heard a little giggle, I looked down and saw Elias's head looking back up at me?


"Heh he's a little monkey and one day he'll be pure devil like his lovely dad!" All I could see was Karma smirking at me while he said this, I smiled back at him.

We got ready and headed down for breakfast, as we walked down until a huge gust of wind nearly knocked me of my feet.

"KARMA! NAGISA!" It was Koro-Sensei,

"What?" I asked concerned,

"Agh! I can't believe this!!"

"Koro-Sensei! What's wrong?" I asked again,

"Right well the people who helped us with the children just contacted me saying some of the children were a bit older that they had previously said!"

"Yeah and?" Course Karma was really disinterested,

"Well Elias was one of them and turns out that he's a little older than 2 months...they said he was more between 5 and six months, to be more accurate he's about 5 months and 3 weeks"

Our own Children?! (Karmagisa)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora