A con? ~chapter 35~

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Hay! So I need to know, would you guys like to see:
In this story? I'll give you guys a week to vote and if no ones voted or if it a tie or something next week I'll put a tester for each category.

Also I think I forgot to include Kayano and Nakamura's kid so she's called Yui.

Karma's P.o.v
I walked over to the note lying in Elias's cot and it read:

Dear Nagisa and Karma,

We have taken Elias, he will be returning later. Yui just wanted a friend to play with so we kidnapped one. I climbed through the window Karma!! Get a lock or something!! Because one day Elias will be taken and it won't be us! Anyways see ya later baiiii!!!

Kayano and Nakamura

"Hay Nagisa Elias is all good!" I shouted into the hall,


I walked back into the hall and smiled down at Nagisa and helped him up.
"Want dinner?" I asked,

"Mmmm yeah I'm hungry!" He agreed,

I nodded and then started to make some soba.

We both finished dinner and sat there not really knowing what to do. "Karma?"


"What time did Kayano say she'd return Elias?"




"They didn't say did they?"

I have a huge grin, "nope!"

"Right well okay"

We just say and chatted for a bit enjoying our time without Elias until the doorbell went.
"I'll get it" Nagisa said standing up,

After 5 minutes he came back through to the kitchen with a sleeping Elias in his arms.
"I think it's bed time" Nagisa said smiling softly at me,

I agreed and helped getting Elias into bed. Once done we headed through to our bed and crashed.

In the morning
Me and Nagisa were sleeping peacefully until a huge lump flopped into us,
"AGH!!!" Nagisa screened sotting up fast,

"Elias no!" I said and rolled over causing him to fall of the bed,

I snickered till Nagisa told me of saying he was to young to mess around with. He picked Elias up and placed him on his lap.
"Elias why are you up so early?"

"Arty gave me tickets to con!" He cheered smiling,

"What?" I asked,

"Com-comic con" He said looking at me,

It took me a while to realise what he was saying till I got it,


"Wait Nakamura gave you convention tickets?" I asked,

He looked confused for a few minutes till his eyes lit up and he nodded.

Right, great, ... Namamura gave my child con tickets ...


"Well then I guess we're going to a con!" I said getting out of bed,

"Wait! Karma, were are you going?" He asked,

"To find the tickets"

Okay I won't lie I really want to go to this con. I might be a huge anime fan. Specifically a show called My Hero Academia. (A/N seriously!! It's a really good anime!! I'm really obsessed with it at the moment!!)

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