Warner Bros. Studio tour ~chapter 14~

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Okay so just before we start I don't own Harry Potter. Also I've never actually been to the studio tour so please remember that when reading. Thanks and enjoy!😋

Nagisa's P.o.v
Me and Karma were lying on the bed being antisocial while Elias was being entertained by watching CBeebies catch up.

"Um, Karma Koro-Sensei has just texted me saying that we have to cut our trip short" I moaned while pouting,

"Heh don't worry babe" he kissed my little pout, "Well go and do the best one done, yeah?"

"Yeah!" I was happy for a split second before I remembered something, "when Elias grows up he won't remember anything of this trip"

"True, true. But what we'll do is well keep the big things like Disney, family camping, and other fun thing even going abroad again to when he's older how bout that?"

I liked the idea so I nodded, "Okay I'm just going to text the rest of our group the last thing we're doing." Karma just chuckled and I looked up at him confused for a second until I got it. "Aghhh...What are we doing?" I said with a little laugh at the end.

"Well let's look at our selection" he pulled out his phone and went onto the planner we had for this trip, "look I think we should do the Harry Potter trip. Yeah?"

He knew I really wanted to do that so for him to suggest it was great, "Yeah! I can't wait!!" I beamed at him then I turned down to my phone and texted our group that we had made for this trip.

group chat,
Nagisa: hay guys! So Koro-Sensei has just texted me saying that our trip is being cut short and we needed to pick one of our activities to do last so me and Karma have agreed on, the Harry Potter tour.

Kayano: that's fine with me and Nakamura!

Sugino: yeah thats fine guys!

Nakamura: But Nagisa I wanna ask something first...

Nagisa: yeah?

Nakamura: why were you and Karma the ones choosing what we did, and I wanna know what your doing right now for blackmail against Karma and you~

Nagisa: NAKAMURA!!!

Nakamura: yass~

Nagisa: right well it was just kinda in the moment so we thought it'd be the best option and for the other one,

Karma: oh you know Nakamura just the usual kissing, playing around that sorta thing, ÙwÚ

Nagisa: KARMA!!!! Noooooo!! (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾

Nakamura: heh thanks guys okay se ya bai!!

Kayano: Bye!

Sugino: night

Karma: bye~

Nagisa: ......I'm so done

End of group chat,
I put my phone down and looked at Karma, "why did you tell Nakamura that we were kissing and doing, stuffff????!!"

"'Cause it would wind up drama" he shrugged,

"Why did I even agree to become your boyfriend" I said in a joking tone,

"'Cause of this"

Karma pounced onto me and straddled my waist.

"Karma I-I can-mph" I was cut of by my ever so lovely boyfriend kissing me.

"Were going to have fun alright"
Karma started kissing down my jaw and reached my ear. He nibbled the bottom of it and whispered in a seductive tone, "and you are mine Nagi~ no one else's, am I aloud to prove that?" I wriggled a bit under his weight then smirked.

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