The date ~chapter 10~

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Karma's P.o.v
I was having a nice peaceful sleep snuggled up with Nagisa until the devil of a son of mine decided it'd be a good idea to wake me up.

"Waaaaa...mmhaaaa!!" He was wailing really loud and sobbing every now and then,

I reluctantly let my Nagi go and got out of bed and walked over to Elias in his crib,

"Hay devil" though I sounded tired I had a small smile on my face,

"Dada!" He said while reaching his little arms up and doing a little grabby thing,

"Yes?" I just stood there and smirked,

"Humph!" He now did a baby version of Nagisa's pout,

"Whats wrong baby" I teased while dangling my finger over the edge,

Elias then made a face that looked like he might just scream the whole building down so I immediately picked him up not wanting to wake Nagisa...and then realised what he had done.

"You little devil" I said smiling though,

"Hehehe" he just did an adorable giggle and you'd have no idea that he was a little devil,

"Common then you can sleep with me and mommy but in the one condition that. You. Are. Quiet." I said while booping him on the nose everyone I said a word. He just gave me  the too innocent small child smile, curse those smiles.

I took Elias over to our bed and placed him in between me and Nagisa, he still wasn't old enough to move himself but it'll only be about 6 to 7 months till he does start to move all by himself.

In the morning,
I was being tortured by both my boyfriend and child I mean COMMON!

"Haha Karma," Nagisa smiled, "your cheeks are supper squishy!!" Yup Nagisa was straddling me while Elias sat on the upper half of my stomach both POKING! MY! CHEEKS!!

"RIGHT THATS IT!" I said smirking and swapping us around so was now straddling Nagisa and had Elias pined to the bed with one hand. For one Nagisa was a blushing mess and looked terrified and Elias well he just looked curiously at both of us. I grabbed my phone and managed to get pictures of the both of them then started my torture treatment. I started at Nagisa by teasing him tremendously, I started to lightly touch him  so much so that he was a little squirming hot mes under me and then I started tickling him all over because he seems to have a really ticklish body and the good thing is that, that has been inherited by deer little Elias so I attached him to with tickles. I wasn't soon till Elias was completely dead of giggles lying like a starfish on the bed...but Nagisa~ seemed to have some fight still in him, as I was going in for round two he was begging like proper begging,

"KARMA! Please!! Nooooo" He said through some laughs as I started the second wave.

"Hahah this is what you get for poking me!"

But Nagisa used the last of his energy to push me over Elias onto the opposite side of the bed and sausage rolling me in the duvet,

"Heh," he was like full on panting, "now my pay back time!" And unfortunately Nagisa was the only one who knew my tickle spot but thankfully it wasn't exposed, well yeah that was until Nagisa crawled up the bottom of the sausage roll and put his hands just above my waist and started tickling me. The downside was that I couldn't move!

"NAGISA! HAHA!! NOOOO PLEASE! EEP!!!" And that is when I had made the most girliest sound ever, all I could here was lots of laughs and then there was a little head up at were my head was.

"Hehe gottcha!" (Nagisa)

"Ugh!!! Fine I'll take you on the date today as long as there are no more tickle attaches?" I asked hoping to not get tickled again,

"Mmmmm fine" he exclaimed happily and wriggled out of the duvet sausage, "um Karma what did you do to Elias?"

"Heh you know I have zero idea" and then we started laughing like made at how funny Elias was being.

At da breakfast!
"Hay Kayano do you think that you and Nakamura could take care of Elias today?" Nagisa asked as soon as we walked over to the group,

"Oh yeah sure I'd love to!"

"Oh! Really thanks!"

"Anything Nagisa! Anyways~ watcha guys up to?" She said smirking,

"A d-date" Nagisa mumbled,

"Ahhh hehehe okay~ enjoy!"

I then walked up behind Nagisa and wrapped my arm around his waist, "oh Kayano you know we will~" I said smirking.

"MEEP!!" And that my friends is Nagisa's only response.

After breakfast and on the date,
"Hay Nagisa?" I asked intertwining out fingers,


"What will we do about Elias when we have to go college?" I felt his handgrip my tighter in a comforting way but he just looked at me and smiled,

"Well we are going to be getting private tutors to come in and help us get the grades we need for the jobs we want and they'll be at our house so we don't have to leave Elias." He said smiling at me,

"Ok then, but I doubt that any tutor would be able to handle me because they'd probably leave after 2 minutes" I said with a smirk,

"Ah yeah well I put a special request in for you" he said smiling to innocently,

"Should I be scared?"

"Heh no~," he said hiding a smirk,

We walked around for a bit and then came across a really nice park so me and Nagisa played there laughing and enjoying each other's company for about 1 hour before having to head to get lunch. We walked for a bit till we reached the one place Nagisa had been wanting to go to for a very long time, 'Yo Sushi.'

"AHH! I can't wait Common Karma!" And again I was being dragged by an over excited Nagisa.

We walked in and sat in font of the conveyer belt, it was funny because Nagisa's eyes just seemed to widen in love of what he was seeing,

"So what you love more me or the sushi?" I asked knowing that'd kill him trying to find an answer,

"You know I'd love a sushi Karma," he said giving me a bright smile,

It was really nice and enjoyable we had loads of food and I took loads of pictures and videos. Nagisa had pretty much picked 3 of everything off of the conveyer belt and order another 5 items and let me tell you this it wasn't cheep, but I payed for it fine.

Me and Nagisa just spent the rest of the day hanging around and laughing chatting talking about how creepy it was that half of there class had stalked us most of our date, but we didn't care because the only thing important to the us was the company of the other. Though Nagisa would ruin it a couple of time by worrying too much about Elias the date went really, really well.

Hay! So hoped you enjoyed this chapter and see you in the next one tomorrow!😁 bye!!!

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