Elias's birthday part 2 ~chapter 22~

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Nagisa's P.o.v
We had to eventually run in and separated Elias from the boy because we really didn't want anything to happen that could hurt them. Once they were separated we got to have a look at what Elias had actually done and it was might I say a very impressive hickey.

Me and Karma had taken Elias to one side of the room while Megu and Yada had taken the boy to the other. To our surprise they both looked really sad to have separated. But I had to tell Elias if so he knew not to do it again.
"Elias. You shouldn't do that." I scolded lightly,

"But momma! You and daddy do it!" He complained,

"I know but just because momma and dada do it doesn't mean you should, okay?" I asked hoping he'd understand,

"Mmmmm....okie!" He gave me a big smile to tell me that he understood.

"Nagisa" I turned around to see Yada,

"Me and Megu could take Sam and Elias to the park or something if you wanted" she asked,


"Oh! Of course! You don't know, this is Sam" she said pointing to the little boy in her hands,

"Oh that'd be great!" I said standing then lifting Elias up.

"Okay we'll leave now so we can give you the most time" she said giving Sam over to Megu,

"Okay!" I thanked handing Elias over to her,

"No problem! And I'm sure they'll get along just fine~" she smirked before turning around and walking out the room,

"oka- WHAT WHAT! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT!" I said spinning around to look at her,

"oh you know~ I feel like they wont find any need to argue or anything~" she smirked again, "and judging by what we just saw i think Elias might not want to be separated from Sam" she paused again, "but that's just my opinion" she just casually shrugged and walked out.

i just turned back around to Karma, "I- um.. eh- what?!" i said really confused,

"my dear Nagisa" Karma started, "I have a feeling that when we're older we'll be seeing quite a lot of  Megu and Yada" he hummed a bit, "oh! and also they're son Sam~ Elias seems to have taken a liking in him" Karma said approaching me, "but i don't think we have anything to worry about because Elias will grow up soon" i knew Karma was right, but i didn't want to say goodbye just yet! he's only just one!


Soon me and Karma went through to the main room to see everyone helping in setting the decorations up. Teraseka's group were in the kitchen making little cupcakes and sandwich's that the kids could eat. Kayano, Okuda, Sugino, Sugaya and Ritsu where making cards, wrapping presents and making a huge banner that said, 'Happy Birthday Elias!' with little hearts and stars on it. Isogai, Maehara and Kimura where putting up bunting, streamers and lighting. Me and Karma just stood and stared at our friends doing all of this foe Elias, but we couldn't wait and admire our friends work for long because we had our own thing to do.

Since we were his parents we felt that we had to teach him the ways of living and set him of confident in life. So me and Karma went to all the shops needed then put the present down in our house before setting of to go back to the class.
We arrived back at the class around 3:30. The party was officially starting at 3:40 but I had no worries that it wouldn't be ready because as we walked in the huge banner was being put up as the last thing. I glanced around the class to see tables in a U shape with all the food on them, a table was at the back with all the presents big and small, then there was the bunting that was put around the top of the class. Our friends had done and amazing job at this! My phone vibrated so I took it out and saw it was a message from Megu.
Megu: hay Nagisa...

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