The start of the sleepover ~chapter 25~

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There's a small picture I made of Elias😅 it's really bad I know but just so you can get an idea! Enjoy!😋
Karma's P.o.v
All I got told as I woke up was 'we're going g to a sleepover!' Or something along those lines. Nagisa had jumped out of bed, immediately regretting it and crouching in pain.
"Karma I'm hurting!" He whined flopping back down onto the bed,

"We'll do you want to go to the sleepover? Since your hurting so much it might not be a good idea" I said stroking his hair,

"Mmmm na I want to go" he said determination written all over his face.

"Alright" I sighed getting up and getting some clothes on, "Nagisa, d'you need help?~" I asked smirking,

"No just give me 5 minutes" He complained,

"Okay, ill go make mini sausages, scrambled egg and toast. Sounds good?"


As soon as I left the room I could tell he went straight back to sleep. I walked into Elias's room to see him sleeping peacefully as well. Hah! That was ending. I walked up to him and started to tickle his tummy and hips. He started giggling and it was adorable, slowly opening his eyes and sighed and closed them again.
"Elias! You have to get up!" He just snuggled more into his bed turning away from me,

All I heard was a small muffled 'no'

"Elias~ I'm making mini sausages" I smiled knowing he lived them.

"Really?!" He asked shoring straight up,

"Yeah wanna help?"


I picked him up and we went into the kitchen to start breakfast. We were just cooking the mini sausages when Elias asked a question trying to be innocent but it was maybe the most sinister question a small child could ask.
"Daddy, where's mommy? And why was there lots of noise last night?"

I new right there I blushed a lot, 'how did Elias hear the noises?! I muffled Nagisa's moans... I mean I think I did...'
"Well Elias, mommy just a bit sore because we were doing a lot of sport last night" I tried explaining,

"Ohhhhh!" He said pretending or understand, "okie!"

We continued cooking till the mini sausages were ready. Then I put Elias in his high chair and gave him a plate of sausages. I then started on the scrambled eggs while munching on a sausage.

Nagisa came through limping a little just as the eggs were finished. I put a plate in front of him consisting scrambled egg, toast and mini sausages.
"Thanks Karma" he smiled up at me,

"Your welcome" I gave him a smile back sitting down,

"Mommy you look really tired" Elias commented shoving a sausage in his mouth,

"Yeah well momma and dada were up really late last night" Nagisa explained putting a sausage in him mouth,

"Yeah, I heard" Elias said sliding another sausage in his small mouth,

Nagisa just blushed and looked in my direction for help,
"I've already dealt with this" I said smirking,

"Ummm....ehhhh hhehehehe..." Nagisa kinda just broke so me and Elias laughed and then continued eating.
It was now time we had to say goodbye to Elias as Bitch-sensei was at the door waiting. Nagisa went and grabbed his bag and I put his shoes on.
"Elias you'll be good rig-" But I was cut of by said boy rushing out as fast as he could,

We looked to were he had run to and to no surprise he was on top of Sam.... he didn't seem to mind it...maybe.
"Thanks for letting me babysit! Bye!!!!" And with that Bitch-sensei was walking away with the kids Sam sitting on Elias's lap in the pram?

I turned to face Nagisa while closing the door,
"ready to go?" I asked looking at the two bags we had for the sleepover,

"Yep!" Nagisa beamed and ran out the house with one of the bags,

I grabbed the other and followed. We walked around the small village thing in search of Kurahashi's place.

We eventually found it and when we rung the bell there was silence then a lot of running and knocking things around and a few other different noises. Eventually someone arrived at the door and opened it. To our surprise it was Nakamura,
"Hay~" she said smirking,

"Hay Nakamura!" Nagisa waved,

"Why don't you gays come in" she said opening the door for us to step in,

"What did you mean by 'gays'" I hissed so no one would hear,

"Oh you know!" She smiled, but not a move one then slipped inside.

We followed behind her and came into a huge open planed room with beanbags, a place to sleep, tv, food and drink bar, a load of beard games and a few other things scattered across the room.

"Welcome!" They all said as we stepped in the room,

"Uh...what?" Nagisa asked looking at most of our class,

"You. Are. No. FUN!!" Maehara screeched running around the room while Isogai chased him.

"What wrong with him?" I asked,

"Alcohol..." Megu said face looking like it had been like this for that fast 7 hours,

"Um.. but isn't it only like 5?" Nagisa asked,

"Boi! We've all drunk a lot while we waited on you and now your here we can PARTY!!" Kayano said flopping herself onto on HUGE! Beanbag.

Me and Nagisa kinda just dropped our bags at the door and made our way over to a place in the already forming circle. I sat down in a red beanbag and I saw that Nagisa was going to go to a different one...but I wasn't gonna let that happen so I grabbed him by the wits and pulled him down on my lap.
"Karmaaaa!" He whined in annoyance,

"What~" I whispered in his ear,

"Mmmmm staph" though he said this I felt him snuggle against my chest,

"Nope" I said nuzzling into his hair making a few bits fall out of place.

We had to wait a few minutes for people to actually get into a kind of circle and then the game started?

"RiGhT pEoPle! We ArE pLaYiN' T oR Da D!!!" Kayano shouted standing on a chair,

"OkAy! NaGiSa YoU fIrSt! T Or DaT D!!??" Kayano asked and got straight to the point,

"Ummm...truth?" He whispered a little,

I noticed that the fear only grew on him as a smirk grew on Kayano's face,
" Karma last night??"

Hay! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I will do the full on party sleepover thing on Monday! Bye!😋

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