Visiting Nagisa's mother ~chapter 19~

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Nagisa's P.o.v
As soon as we arrived home from the photo shoot Elias needed a bath desperately. So upon opening the door I carried Elias straight through to his room and took all of his dirty clothes of while Karma ran the bath. Somehow Elias had managed to get the dirtiest of us all. But the thing was he didn't do all the messing around like me and Karma did so like...hOw?!

As soon as I got Elias undressed and had everything he'd need after out, I took him through to the bathroom were Karma sat in a small stool waiting.
"But momma I don't wanna!!" Elias complained pouting,

"Elias, you are filthy! Seriously you need to have a bath" I said not letting him argue back.

Pouting he hugged a 'fine' and was put in the bath. I played with him for a bit while Karma washed his hair and body. We had soon finished washing Elias and it was time to get him ready for bed.

Karma went into the kitchen to prepare a bottle of milk while I got Elias dried and clothed. He had his little onesie on and then was put into a baby's sleeping bag thing. Karma came back in with Elias's milk and we both sat down to feed him. Elias has always like hearing story's of me and Karma. Wether he could understand them or not. We decided to tell him a story of when me and Karma were on a school trip and Karma had managed to convince me to come out of the huddle of our class to go and mess around. To this day I'm still not sure why I agreed but, I apparently did and I don't think I'll ever know. We were messing around till we heard our very annoyed teacher shouting our names trying to find us. Karma then suddenly had an idea that he'd pull us into a bush so we wouldn't be found. After a while though Karma got board so we snuck out, not getting caught and started to walk the streets. We soon came across a cosplaying shop and went in. At first it was to hide but then we were buying cosplays. We put them on and walked back to the place were our trip was taking place. Our poor, poor, oh so poor teacher rushed up to us and was doing weird hand gestures asking wether we'd seen, well...ourselves. Karma took the lead and answered that he hadn't and then we walked away. We got home and then we went to school then next day and the teacher started to yell at us asking wear we disappeared of to. So we both just answered saying, 'oh, um eh, yeah sir we didn't go to the trip' 'yeah we had to stay hear because of our grade' 'mhm yup that's right, we never actually went' things along  those lines. And so that teacher never found out.

Elias was giggling all the way through the story finding different bits funny.
"I'm going to do that when I'm older!" Elias shouted smiling,

"No! Elias don't you dare! Just because mommy and daddy did it does not give you permission to!" I scolded,

"Awww" Elias just pouted, "no fun"

"Karma, you are really rubbing of on Elias. And in the bad way!" I said looking over at Karma.

"I did nothing of the sort" Karma said in his chill voice leaning back.

"Well Elias it's time for bed. K?" I said,

"Mhm Yup!" He replied rubbing his eyes,

I put Elias down then left the room with Karma.
Karma and I didn't really do much that evening. We just eat dinner and headed to bed only just realising how tired we actually were.

On the morning I got a text from someone I didn't mother. It read,
'Nagisa dear, why don't you come round I'd love to do you again'
I really didn't want to but I had no choice it was my mother I had to.

I reluctantly got up out of bed and woke Karma and Elias.
"Nagisaaaaa!!!! Why'd you wake me so early??" He asked complaining and pulling the covers over his head.

"Right Karma one. You are really lazy! Second, it's 9:30! And third, my mom texted saying she'd like to see me" I said crossing my arms,

"Yeah she said she wanted to see 'you!' So not me" he just smiled and went under the duvet again.

"Karma! Get your overly lazy butt
out of that bed!" I said pulling the duvet completely off of him.

"Nagisa, why'd you have to be so annoying!" He mumbled getting out of the bed.

"Good now get changed them come through to the kitchen and you'll get your breakfast." I said ignoring the last comment. "Oh and it's pancakes that me and Elias have made." I said while walking out the door.

Later on, once we had all finished out breakfast we hopped into the car and Karma took us to my mothers place.
"Momma were are we going?" Elias asked from the back,

"Um...well we're going to grandmas"


"G.a.n.d.m.a. And she's my mom so that make her your granny"

"Ohhhhh okie! Does daddy have a grny?"

Me and Karma just started to laugh at Elias's ways of pronouncing grandma and granny,
"Yeah he does, but daddy doesn't really talk to them much" I responded for Karma,

"Okie!" Elias chirped from the back starts big to fall asleep.

We soon arrived outside my moms place. We got put and I slowly started to wake Elias. We we went to go and knock on the door Elias was still half asleep, not looking like he'd wake at anytime. We waited for a while till I could hear shuffling behind the door then the lock clicked and the door opened.
"Nagis-" she was cut of though when she first saw Karma it as she'd call him, 'Akabane! A boy you shouldn't hag around!" Well screw you mom! He's my loving BOYFRIEND! He gaze then drifted to the half sleeping child in my arms.
"Nagisa why is he hear?!" She asked pointing at Karma. "And who's that?" She asked pointing at Elias.

"Mom I-" I was cut of thought by Karma,

"Miss Shiota, as you know we've all moved into our own places near the school. Well yes with addition we were given our own biological child." He smirked, "in other words" He snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me in close. I could see her visibly flinch, "me and Nagisa have a child. Oh and were also dating" he smiled at her after his explanation,

"But Nagisa!" She looked between all three of us. "Um, I...I'm not quite sure what to think of this."

I could tell she was on the line between the dangerous water and safe lands. I wanted to keep her as happy as possible, so I tried to ask her wether we could come in and chat. "Mom, please! Let me and Karma and Elias in and we can have a chat if something"

She sighed calming just a tad, "*breath in* right okay"
We sat down with mom. She sat on the couch while me Karma and Elias sat on the floor. Karma and my mom made small talk. Talking about different things and all that. I was half listening to them half playing with Elias.
"Nagisa I think it's time we should head home or else it'll be passed Elias's bed time when we get back" Karma said standing up,

"Yeah I agree" I followed standing up and picking Elias up with me. "Thank so much mom"

She...smiled?!?!? Like an actual genuine SMILE! Then said, "you know Elias isn't that bad, maybe I could babysit if it's ever needed" she said then let us leave.

'Like what just happened?!' I wasn't sure but I was happy that mom was good with Elias. Even if she still hated both me and Karma. It's still fine. While driving Karma grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers smiling at me,
"I love you Nagisa"

"I love you to Karma,"

Okay hay! So the story line is going to be a bit hear and there and a little bit of 'let's play fill in the gaps' till they graduate and stuff and till they start work and all that. Anyways hope you enjoyed! Bye!!😋

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