That one guy? ~chapter 38~

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Nagisa's P.o.v
Nagisa was having a pretty normal week. He gets woken up at 5 by Elias wanting milk or something. Then he gets pulled back into bed by Karma, eventually falling back to sleep. Then he properly get up at 7 getting dressing and making breakfast. After eating food he wakes Elias, dresses him, feeds him... wakes him again because she's fallen asleep. Then he has to deal with Karma... ;-;

To be honest Nagisa doesn't really deal with Karma, he more waits till it's like 3 minutes before he has to leave and if Karma isn't up then he goes and dumps a bucket of ice water on him.

Today was no different, he went through his regular day. But when he got to school there was a new kid in class. He thought he might as well not disturb him since everyone else was swarming the poor guy. Through the day Nagisa just ignored the guy, but he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

He was in his class after lunch when he saw a bunch of the girls gossiping with the new kid. Then They looked my way pointed, gasped, looked at the new guy and turned back into their circle. I didn't really think anything of it, just thought they were introducing the kid to the rest of the class who hadn't introduced themselves in the first place.

As I was mindlessly walking to Elias's nursery to pick him up the feeling of being watched came back to me. I had to do something so I decided on the first thing that came to my mind and ran into a nearby alleyway and scaled up the wall. Then I started running along the rooftops.

I neared Elias's nursery so I slowed my pace jumping down into a nearby ally. I calmly walked out as if nothing happened and into the building.
"Mommy why are you out of breath?" Elias asked as we were walking home,

Sh*t! I hadn't realised that I was so unfit or else I would have been more careful, I guess I was so caught up in the memory's of when I was with E-class I didn't realise I was using all my stamina. I guess I'll have to come up with some sort of lie and quick.

"Heh, well Elias you see I was kinda late leaving school and I thought someone was watching me so I decided I would run here"  WHAT SORTA EXCUSE IS THAT?!

"Ohhhh! Okie! I was telling Miss Yoku that I walked in on you and daddy have sex!" Elias said blabbing on about how his day went,

"Ummm... Elias you don't tell people you walked in on your Parents having sex" I said looking down at him,

He just hummed happily and skipped ahead of me. My day went pretty normal from that point on as well. Nothing exciting happened apart from me getting a surprise pizza delivery, so we had pizza for dinner. Stuffed crussed, sauces and all.

The next day when I went to school the kid came up to me and he tried to make conversation but I was not in the mood. Elias had woken me up at 4 and I couldn't get back to sleep.

The third day Kio I think his name was? I dunno. Walked up to me and gave me a hug? I mean I don't him them, but only from people I'm close to! He also followed me everywhere, he sat with me and my group at lunch! He sat next to me in class! He walked around the halls with me! He asked wether I needed any help at home with homework! But I refused it all and I was so close to blowing up in him face till he kissed my cheek saying goodbye, and that let me tell you was the last straw. I immediately ran and pinned him down so my knee was against his back while I had his hands in a tight grip behind his back, easily breakable.

I gave him a strict warning and then left after giving him a few scratches and bruises.

But on the fifth day he followed me to the bathroom and locked the main door, pinning me to the wall, he then started to force himself on me. I started kicking and thrashing. He didn't budge. It got to the point where he had gone to far. I grabbed both wrists in my hand and twisted till I heard that satisfying crack and then he shouted in pain. That got my smile back on my face. I then shoved him back just enough to get my 'weapon' out of my pockets, (pencil) I launched at him with it. Then I threw the pencil letting his eyes follow it then,

My hands made a loud clapping noise and he was stunned, Nice. I smiled at myself for the good work and left school.

No one ever knew why that kid left, well all but one.

HAY!!! I'm super excited because it's my birthday of Friday so yay me!! Anyways I present to you my fellow friends a chapter! Enjoy it and then do life!! (Which I'm not doing ;-;) oh well! Hope you enjoyed and have a good day!

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