Having a friend round to play ~chapter 37~

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Hay so I'm really sorry this chapter is late! But I've been having a load of panic attack's lately so writing isn't the easiest things. This chapter is gonna be a lot more shorter than the others because I just need to get back into it.
Thanks for understanding!

About a year later! Nothing exciting happened in their life's and Elias is about 4 and a half. Able to walk and talk.

Nagisa's P.o.v
I was sitting on our couch doing some homework while Karma made some food.
"MOMMY!! DADDY!!" Elias shouted running up to me and jumping on my lap.

"Yeah?" I asked looking up from my laptop,

"Can I have Akio over?!" He asked bouncing on my lap,

"Uh, Karma can Elias have a friend over?" I asked,

"Do we know their parents?" He asked me,

"No I don't think so" I said,

"You mind if we meet them before the kid comes around?" Karma asked,

"I don't mind" I said,

"Yay!" Elias then jumped of my lap and ran back to his room.

Then the next day when I went to pick Elias up he grabbed my hand and dragged me over to a family of 4 standing and talking,
"Mommy this is Akio and these are his parents." Elias said pointing to the family,

"Hello," I smiled at them, "I'm, uh Nagisa, Elias's dad," I emailed at them,

They just stood there not moving a muscle of cracking a smile or introducing themselves at all.

That was till I notice someone standing chatting to a smaller kid. I then put the dots together, the one talking and the tallest of the 2 not moving a muscle are the parents and then they have 2 kids. Makes sense now.

The one talking noticed I was there and spun around,
"Sho! Be polite!! Sorry!" He? Apologised to me,

"Oh! No it's fine," I smiled,

"Okay! Well it's nice to meet you Nagisa! I'm guessing it's not a family name?" He asked,

"Oh! Yeah no it's not, I don't really like being called my family name" I laughed nervously,

"Oh! Okay well my names Izuku and this is my husband Shoto" he smiled,

"Ah! Hi, I think I'm correct in saying your the parents of Akio? Coz my son Elias really wanted to have a play with you son," I smiled at him,

"Oh! Yeah Akio's been talking a lot about Elias as well," he laughed a little,

I smiled, "well would Akio like to come to our for a bit and then you guys could pick him up after dinner or something?"

Izuku smiled, "Yeah that'd be good," he turned around to who I assumed to me Akio, "Okay listen you have to behave and listen to whatever Nagisa says, yes?"

"Yes mama" Akio gave Izuku before running over to Elias and giving him a hug,

"You kids ready to go?" I asked, they both nodded, "we'll see you guys later," I waved,

"Wait! Here's my number so you can text me what time to pick them up and where," he smiled at me,

"Okay! Bye!"


While we walked home Elias and Akio chatted the whole way.

They had such creative minds! They had so much to talk and play about.

Once we got home the kids rushed straight to Elias's room,
"ELIAS PLEASE DO NOT MAKE A MESS!" I shouted through but I don't think he heard.

I huffed sitting down beside Karma,
"Bad day?" He asked,

I gave him the look and turned away. He laughed and started to rub my shoulders. Smiling I leaned into it.

The nice moment only lasted a few minutes because as soon as it started Elias and Akio ran in demanding cookies.

And that was how the whole afternoon went. Me and Karma would be snuggling and they'd run in and show us some sort of dance they'd come up with. I'd be close to sleep on Karma lap when they would come in and show me a toy that they were fascinated in. They had apparently gone into mine and Karma's room as well because they had ran through with condoms asking if they could blow up the 'balloons'. Me and Karma were trying to do homework when they charged into the room and leaped up onto the table messing up all our work, smashing a plate and ruining all our food. It eventually got to the point that me and Karma had had enough so we wanted to get them back by ruining their precious eyes.... also for the fact that I wanted sex.

Me and Karma decided to be decent enough to do it in the bedroom just without the covers. So when we started to make out and it turn a bit more heated then it went to no clothes then we started to have fun. We were full on into it when I heard the boys running around the house trying to find us. I chuckled a bit,
"Karma" But the end syllable turned into a moan as Karma new the plan.

I heard the door being slammed open. I opened one eye slightly that made it still look close. I saw Elias and Akio standing there horrified not moving and in awe?

"Is that how sex is done?" Elias asked,

Let's just say Elias wasn't around any friends over anytime soon after that.

Hay sorry this is a really messy chapter but I tried my best! Anyways hope you enjoyed! Have a good day!!

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