Chapter 7

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Amira's POV

Things have been a little more laid low for the past week. I ended up being driven by Rabya and Khalid twice and on Monday I took the taxi. My dad did tell me he'll buy me a car though. As a "wedding gift" something like that. But obviously not a new one. Honestly that was fine. For all I cared I wouldn't mind using a 20 year old car aslong as it works. But My dad said he's thinking of getting a more recent one.

If you're wondering no, I didn't tell my parents about the whole "incident" Neither did Amir's parents complain. All I told them was that I didn't feel comfortable for Amir to drive me when we're not even married and that it's not right for us. They agreed and talked to Amir's parents and they were fine with it. So instead on Wednesday his brother and Rabya dropped me to school.

We haven't talked since then. But today I'd eventually have contact with the family cause there was a party at a huge hall.


I got dressed then slipped into my heels just in time my mom came down and we were out the door.

My dad parked the car and we all pulled out.

" the entrance is the same for us, Amira make sure you meet with Amir's mom okay?" My dad said as we walked inside.

"I will" I Said. Obviously I mean come on if my fiancé's mother is near I'm not just gonna walk past her and be like nah I'm not in the mood to see her so I'll just not talk to her and apologize the next time I see her. My fathers logic is priceless.

My dad walked into the men's side while me and my mom turned to the left on the woman's half.

My mom and I took a seat where 2 women sat. We greeted each other and they started talking. I looked around but auntie wasn't here. I guess we're earlier this time.

I watched the entrance door as the men went to the side and the women walked towards our side. a few metres away there were curtains seperating the men from the women.After 10 minutes or so, Rabya Khalid uncle auntie and Amir walked in along with his sister another man whom is probably her husband I'm guessing.

Amir,his dad and Khalid went straight while the other 3 came towards us.

I walked over and shook and hugged each of there hands. And then my mom did the same.

We sat down and they gradually started talking.

"Amira, You look absolutely stunning! If it makes you feel better you look at least 20 today!" Rabya said as I laughed a little

"Yay I look a year older than last time!" I said sarcastically.

"How's things with Amir?" Rabya asked

"Fine? I mean we don't hangout or whatever. So same as last time I guess." I said

"Wait really?? Wow. I hung out with Khalid while we were engaged. "

"Don't get this the wrong way or anything, but I think we can hangout after marriage I mean it's not right being with a guy without marriage. So I prefer to you know, I'm getting married because it's sunnah and I don't wanna complete a sunnah with a little sinning." I said

Rabya stared at me and then gave me a wide grin.

"Man! Where were you when I was engaged! I mean if you told me that back then, I would have never hung out with Khalid! I think. I must say Amira you've got one intelligent mind Mashaallah." Rabya said as I flashed her a smile.

"Thank you I think I made it a lot more serious than it was though."

"I get what you're saying. Everyone's different."

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