Chapter 4

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Jimin POV

"You wouldn't believe it- holy shit!"

Jungkook and I have been sitting at a little café not far from campus, simply talking about what we've missed since we last saw each other. Though, there's a deafening squealing and crashing sound that resonates loudly from outside to match Jungkook's expression when he cuts himself off by swearing. Beings we're in the booth closest to the street, I'm nearly yanked over the table into Jungkook's lap at the same moment, eyes widening as I turn myself to look in the direction of the windows. Though, despite my attempt to find out what's going on, with having nearly completely fallen into Jungkook's lap, I'm unable to see anything of what's happening outside.

We both scramble to our feet though, rushing out the door only to stop in our tracks instantly after reaching the outside. Before us, I can see a crashed car, flipped upside down and spun so that it's facing diagonal to us. Though, if that isn't enough to cause a scare for the both of us, I spot a blood on the asphalt... a tiny pool almost underneath the hood of the flipped car, and then tiny spots trailing away from it. Following the trail with my eyes, I'm horrified to find what lays at the end.

Without even a thought, I push Jungkook away from me, racing over to the unconscious and nearly mangled looking body of my hyung that's over on the other side of the road, a short distance down to the right from where we'd been having breakfast. The moment I'm at his side, I'm dropping to my knees, hands trembling as they skim his bloody body.

"Hyung,... no... No, no, no. Yoongi!" I scream, not even knowing where to begin with stopping the bleeding, finding too many spots on him that are bloodied. My entire body is a shaking mess though, the feeling of arms soon wrapping around me registering as nearly foreign. Though, I'm freaking out once more when I feel myself getting pulled away from him, instantly reaching out to the unconscious male in front of me.

"No! Stop! What're you doing! Stop, no! He needs help!" I scream, fighting against their arms desperately. However, it's very much to no avail, easily being dragged away from him.

"Hyung, stop!"

My head snaps up in the direction of the sound, finding a blurry looking Jungkook stood above me with concern filling his eyes. Though, when we glance back to Yoongi's motionless body, there's already paramedics surrounding him and rushing him carefully onto a stretcher.

"No! Please! I have to go with him! Please!" I start shouting all over again. Jungkook pulls me up to my feet with ease, silencing me almost instantly despite my legs nearly giving out on me in the first attempt.

"We're gonna follow them, Jiminie. It's gonna be okay. They're gonna take care of him. Now come on." Jungkook coos in a rushed fashion before wrapping an arm around my waist. I whimper at this, not even realizing the feeling of tears rushing down my cheeks as I let him half drag me to his car just down the street.

It doesn't help much though, becoming unbelievably restless in the passenger seat of his car as he follows closely behind the ambulance. He's got one hand on the wheel and the other holding my trembling one, lacing our fingers together and rubbing gentle circles into the back of my hand. I don't even bother trying to contain myself though, breaking down and sobbing in the car as I let him focus on driving.

I'm terrified. No, I'm fucking petrified. My hyung, my best friend, my fucking roommate. I-I can't lose him. He's the one who pushed me and gave me the courage to talk to Jungkook all those months ago. He's the one who's supported me through everything. The one I've supported through everything since I met him. I... I feel like if I lost him... I feel like I would've failed him... He would've only been on his way to his only class today too...

All that I can manage as I sit here trembling in the car is muttered strings of incoherent swears and whimpers, wanting nothing more than to see my hyung be okay. Wanting nothing more than to know that he'll be okay, that he'll make it. I-I don't know what I'd do if I lost him... He's like a brother to me... like family.

"It's gonna be okay, Jiminie. It's gonna be okay. They know what they're doing. They're gonna take good care of him, okay? It's all gonna be fine, and I'm gonna be here right beside of you the whole way. Just calm down, Jiminie. Hush, baby."

I whimper at the term 'baby', the first time either of us have used that on each other, but very much loving it.

Pouting, I simply nod my head, laying my head atop our joined hands that are rested on the center console, letting my eyes fall shut as I wait desperately for the drive to be over.

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