Chapter 6

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Calums P.O.V.

"I have to go." She said and her words hit me hard. I dont know why but it hurt to watch her walk away and get in those guys car.

"What just happened?" I asked confused.

"You made her choose between you or her secrets and she choose her secrets." Luke said with slight attitude.

"And you cheated on Audrey?" I asked confused that Luke would every do that to a lady.

"Yeah, Audrey and I were in a fight and Libby showed up so yeah." Luke said but you could see the disappointment in his eyes.

"Ok lets go and find where they are." I said hooping into my car and started it. Luke just walked over looking confused.


Marisas P.O.V.

I was sitting in the passenger seat and Garretts hand- the one he isn't driving with- is on my thigh, way to far up if you ask me. And when I looked back Audrey was sitting in his lap with one hand on her ass and the other going up and down her arms by her boob. Audrey looks like she doesnt really care though so I let it slide.

When we arrive at the park we sit on a table because they are waiting for some people and I see Calums car pull in and park where they can watch. I nudge Audrey and get her to see the car, that was hard because her "date" Blake had his hands around her waist a little to far down if you ask me. When Audrey sees Luke in the car she gets really angry and turns around in the guys arms and starts making out with him. Then there was a loud bang of a car door and Luke walked off in the opposite direction.

Then Garrett picked me up and sat me on the table and opened my legs and came in. He put his hands on my waist and a little on my butt and then kissed me removing any space between us. I heard Luke get back in the car and I tried to pull away from Garrett but he slammed my body into his and stuck his tongue down my throat. Then he pulled away with a big grin, and walked over to where Audrey was standing and gave her ass a smack.

"Lets go back to my house and swim." Garrett asked all the people here.

"We dont have swim suits." Audrey said.

"Well then just go in your bra and underwear or you can walk off on the deal." Garrett said with slight anger.

"I'm leaving, my secret isn't worth this!" Audrey yelled.

"I will tell some now." Garrett said and Audrey walked up and stood on the table.

"I cut myself and tried to kill myself, thats my secret." Audrey yelled as she pulled up her sleeves and showed them.

"Oh, but that isnt all." Garrett said as he walked over to Calums car and knock on Lukes window. Luke rolled down the window.

"What do you want." Luke said in monotone.

"I think you wanna hear this lover boy." Garret said before walking over and getting on the table by Audrey.

"Why did you have to get him?" Audrey asked Garrett but he just shrugged her off.

"Do you want to tell them everything or do I get the honor." Garrett said smiling.

"I will," Audrey said, "Besides what I told you, I use to be a drug and alcohol addict." Audrey said and I made my way up on the table and hugged her, but when I did I felt something in her waistband. It was a knife. Shit, shit could go down in the matter of seconds.

"Now that Audrey has ruined my fun, our deal is that I will also tell Marisas secret." Garrett announced. But Audrey pushed him of the table and then got of and pinned him down.

"You share her secret and you will regret it." Audrey said and I could see she was about to pull her knife.

"Audrey don't get yourself in anymore trouble." Luke and I said knowing where this was going and soon I felt Calum by my side.

"I have freedom to spech." Garrett chocked out and Audrey punched him and said, "Wrong."

"Get off me bitch!" Garrett yelled and Blake tried to take her off him and she pulled her knife. SHIT! There isn't anyone stoping Audrey now.

"As I said anyone says her secret and you will regret it." Audrey said while getting up and giving Blake a good kick in the balls as I did the same to Garrett.

And with that Audrey ran off.

"Shouldn't we go after her." Calum asked as we got in the car.

"No shes in one of her moods. She will either be playing soccer or oh shit!" I said remembering she had a knife and nobody there.

"What!" Luke almost screamed.

"She has a knife and no where to go." I said.

"Where does she go to play soccer?" Calum asked with a slight hope.

"Um well she usually goes to MMOC but the one person she hates the most is practicing there, so maybe Kolping.

When we go to Kolping she was there kicking a soccer ball around. We decided not to bug her till it looked like she calmed down. So yay I am in a car with two people I am mad at. I smack Luke in the back of the head deciding to talk to him first.

"What?" Luke said turning around.

"Why did you cheat on Audrey?" I asked and Lukes jaw tightened.

"We fought and so I made out with Libby." He said and as if on cue Libby walks up and by our car and towards Audrey. I hop out of the car and run up and punch her.

"What the hell was that for!" She said while swinging back at me.

"For messing around with my best friends boyfriend." I yelled as I hit her so hard she fell down and couldn't get back up. Then I felt someone pull me off, it was Audrey.

"She isn't worth it." Was all Audrey said to me and then I felt a warm wetness from her wrist.

"What the hell Audrey!" I yelled but she just ran and I didn't follow her because I stole her knife.

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