Chapter 21

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Calums POV

I ran towards the voice and after what seem like minutes upon minutes of running I got to the boy. I looked down at this boy who looked three. I didn't know this boy. He looked like me though. How could that be, me and Marisa don't have a kid.

I was slowly coming back and I could feel it. I was starting to hear everything. I couldn't make out who was talking or what they were saying. But I could definatly hear them.

"Baby, Calum your awake!" I heard a girl scream when I opened my eyes. I couldn't remember anything but this girl was beautiful and thats when it all hit me. Just staring into her big brown eyes made me remember everything.

"It was the day of our wedding. I ruined everything!" I almost screamed. The doctors just looked at me in amazement.

"What else do you rember Mr.Hood." They asked me. After telling them all I could remember I got to talk to my fiancé alone. Damn, I wish I made it to that wedding. She might make me wait to get married.

"Calum." She said grabbing my hand.

"Baby lets go get married. Once I get out of here." She just chuckled.

"Ok baby. If thats what you want." She smiled that beautiful smile I fell in love with. Then all the boys from the band walked in.

"Damn you made it 2 whole weeks!" Ashton said once he saw me.

"Dang it! We wanted to set a record." Mikey said giving me a hug.

"Man, you guys are excited." I said and then I noticed Luke sitting in the chair with his head in his hands

"Luke what's wrong?" I asked confused.

"It should have been me. I should have been driving. I should have been hit! It should be me in that bed not you! Not on your wedding day!" Luke started crying and Audrey calmed him down.

"Luke I was the one who wanted to drive and it is all my fault, not yours." I said and he looked up and half smiled at me.

"Mr. Hood you will be released tommorrow if you can make it tonight." The doctor said before exiting.

"Baby looks lilewe are getting married in 2 days!" I smiled and kissed Marisa. She looked different. I couldn't put my finger on it but something was different.


Marisa POV

Today is the day. Me and Calum are having a small one since our big one was ruined. Its just gonna be some family and friends. I can't wait till I tell Calum the news. Audrey is the only one who knows.

"Ok your finished!" Audrey said before getting herself ready. We all looked the same as we did 2 weeks ago.

As we got closer we all got into our positions. Audrey went alone first because she was my maid of honor and then my bridesmaids with Calums boys, as he called them.

They all walked down the aisle and now it was my turn. My dad died 2 years ago so I had no one to walk me down. It was just me. I make me way through the doors and my eyes go directly towards Calum.


Calums POV

When she walked through those doors she looked stunning. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I have yet to figure out what is differnet though. She made her way towards me and then stood right next to me. I had to touch her and make sure this isn't a dream. So I grabbed her hand and gave it a light squeeze.

"Do you Calum Hood take the Marisa Washington as your lovely wife?" The priest asked.

"I do!" I said and then pecked her cheek and she instantly blushed.

"Do you Marisa Washington take the Cal-" The priest started.

"YES!" She practically yelled.

"You may kiss the bride." I pulled her into my and kissed her. Our lips moved in sync before she pulled away.

At the reception she decided to make an announcement.

"Calum, I love you with all my heart. When we first kissed I felt the fireworks. And everyday I am with you is the best day of my life. These last two weeks when you were in a coma were the hardest, and I never want to go through that again. I love you Calum," I made my way up to her and cupped her face in my hands, "We love you!" She said loud enough for the mic to catch it.

"What do you mean 'We love you'?" I asked confused.

"We are having a baby boy!" She said and tears started going down her face. I wiped everyone of them and kissed her. I kneeled down so I was at her stomach and put my hands to her stomach.

"I love you son." I said and I could feel the tears.



I don't know if I'm going to do a sequel or a spinoff for there kids but there will be an epilogue.


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