Chapter 15

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I can't believe were are going to be so far away from eachother. We are never goings to see each other and I can't leave or anything because its college and volleyball in one.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Calum said breaking me from them and coming to reality where we were driving back to his parents hotel for a dinner before we leave. This would be the first time I meet them.

"You don't want to know." I say starring out the window.

"Your not gonna do this again are you?" Calum asked and I knew he was referring to the last time they left.

"Calum we are never going to see eachother and-" I was cut off by his lips crashing into mine. We pulled away and then headed towards his parents.


When I got home I went straight to bed and fell asleep.

"Wake up!" Audrey yelled jumping on my bed.

"What the heck!" I groaned.

"We have to leave in 2 hours and I'm not going to be late, so get everything ready and downstairs and make sure your ready for the airport." Audrey said before leaving. We could have drove there but we decided to say our goodbyes at the airport because we were leaving at the same time.

When we got there the boys were already waiting and already crying. I said my goodbyes to Mikey and Ash promising to keep in touch. Then I went over to Luke and told him the same thing I did the last time. We hugged and then I made my way over to Calum.

"See you in 3-5 months babe!"He said with a wink and I looked down. he quickly added, "I love you we can make this work."

"Calum you love your music and I love volleyball, we are always going to end up getting seperated and I can't keep doing this and I will never make you choose music or me." I said crying.

"But baby I-" He said before me cutting him off.

"Your in love with your music go have fun with it." I said with a tiny chuckle. And then walked away towards Audrey. We started walking away when two familiar arms wrapped around my waist and turned me around.

"What if I'm in love with you?" Calum said and then kissed me.


Calums POV

I fell asleep in the car ride ther and woke up when we got there. Our families were already there so we said our goodbyes and we were all crying and my mom asked where Marisa was because ever since see meet her last night she has nonstop talked about her. But actually I am really nervous because last night she almost broke up with me again. i just have to keep reminding myself not the let her go on a bad note. When they pulled upthe smile on her face automatically went away. We she saw us they came over to us and started saying goodbye. Audrey can over and hugged me and whispered in my ear,"You let her break up with you again and I will never let you live it down." She said and then kissed my cheek and went and hugged the other guys giving them a kiss on the cheek too. And my eyes automatically went to Marisa and I watched her as she hugged and said goodbye to everyone and I giggled when she threatened Luke.

She then made her way over to me. I had to say something to make her smile and the best I could think of was, "See you in 3-5 months babe!" and I gave her a wink but she just looked down so I said, "I love you we can make this work."

"Calum you love your music and I love volleyball, we are always going to end up getting seperated and I can't keep doing this and I will never make you choose music or me." I knew with these words she was slipping through my finger tips and I couldn't let her go, if she would have gave me the choice I would have choose her.

"But baby I-" was all I could get out of my mouth before she interrupted me.

"Your in love with you music now go have fun with it." She said with a small chuckle and you could see the smile I fell in love with for a second before it disappeared.

She started walking away and I knew I couldn't let her go. She is my other half, the one made for me. Just watching her walk away killed me. So I run up and wrapped my arms around her and turn her around. In that moment just looking into her beautiful brown eyes I knew what to say, "What if I'm in love with you?" And with that I put my lips up against hers. She just smiled and said, "Thanks baby." and then she crashed her lips into mine before she had to go.



sorry for the short chapter, just didn't know what else to put in this chapter. Thanks to all who is reading this.


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