Chapter 11

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A few seconds past and she let go of me and her breath steadied again.
„Do you want to sleep here?" I asked. I couldn't let her leave, she would go back to Izzy's and her hotel room. Then they would fight again and-
„That would be nice. I mean if i'm not bothering you of course." she said smiling.
„No no. Of course not. I'm glad to have you here. You can have my bed and I can sleep on johns. I tell you the bed is amazing and you'll sleep like and angel in there." I joked, but it was true. This bed is a wonder for itself. She giggled and nodded.

„It's very late. We should probably go to sleep now. Tomorrow will be exhausting. We have the competition remember."
I turned around and laid down on johns bed, before I was complete out, I turned my head and looked at her. „Good Night Amanda." I whispered and lowered my voice, because as I met her dark shape in the darkness, I saw that she was already asleep, her breast heaving evenly.
I soon after drifted away into the land of my dreams.


The next day I woke up, completely relaxed and calm. The last few days I was tired and didn't wanted to go aswell, but this day was different. I couldn't tell why. Was it because I had an amazing day with Amanda or because I didn't talk to John about cosplay stuff and shootings the whole time or because I haven't talked to Izzy? I wasn't sure, but I was sure that this day will be great.
I glanced over to Amanda. She was still asleep.
Should I wake her up?

I decided to wake her up. I didn't know if she needed something from their hotel room for cosplay so it was better to wake and ask, before we don't have the time anymore.
I stood up and walked, tired and eye rubbing, to her or better said my bed, where she was laying peacefully. I sat down next to her on a chair and picked up my phone.
John must be awake too. Maybe I should message him about a cosplay for Amanda.

Liz: Good morning, knight john :D
Could you might bring us one of amandas cosplays? i am sure she has others with
her. it would be great if you could bring it in time, i mean in the next hour, so that
amanda can get ready.

He didn't replyed back yet. I decided to go trough my instagram dms and answered some people. Right after, the message icon popped up.

John<3: mornin love, yes i can. just give me some minutes to get up. izzy and i will
definitly not be at the con before 11 a.m. she cried a lot yesterday. i think she is
pretty..tired you know? but i will wake her so that she can hand me over a
cosplay for her. i am sure they talked about amandas cosplays for the con.
Liz: i am glad to have you <3 thanks for doing this. and yes okay. we will be participating
at the cosplay competition. I will take a shower now so you have a few minutes.
please don't knock. that could wake amanda. she deserves the rest.
John<3: i will write you when i am right before the door. see you

As I said, I was going in the bath and showered as quite as possible. Would I wear today Bakugou or Carol Danvers from the avengers? Maybe the person sleeping in my bed could help me figure out what to do. After 10 minutes I stepped out and covered myself in a large white towel. It was so soft and smelled like juicy laundry detergent. I rubbed my body and then changed into some comfortable clothes for breakfast. I brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and put some easy make-up on. For my followers on social media, I even took two photos and posted them. As I clicked on my whatsapp, John was writing.

John<3: I am here.
Liz: Coming!

Quietly, I got out of the bath and opened the front door. ,,Hey John!", he gave me a warm hug and came in. ,,Please be a bit quiet. Amanda is still asleep. I assume that she is really at the lowest after the fight yesterday.", he looked to her and whispered ,,Yes, of course. Izzy is sleeping again as well. She handed me a Lance Mcclain cosplay.", I pointed at "my" bed and he laid it down there. ,,I will take my stuff and then go again ok?", I nooded.

He said goodbye and left as peacefully as he came. Luckly, Amanda didn't realized it and was still dreaming.


I don't know what will happen. That's why I will read the next chapter. ->

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