Chapter 15

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3rd person

Izzy straightened and walked to them. "Amanda you can't do that." She said and looked Amanda dead in the eyes. "Izzy! You're really thinking that we would leave Liz just for some stupid contest I would maybe win. What is when this guy comes here?" Amanda explained. She was not wrong though. This guy could have come to the hospital any second to harass Liz again.
Liz was watching the whole situation and began to shiver. It was just too much if they would start fighting again. ,,You don't need to care so much for her. John's here and even I am here to look after her. And you don't even know her this well, don't you!?", Izzy was a bit louder. Amanda was shocked. ,,She was there for me when you thought I would betray you or what the hell you were thinking about me. You don't trust me. I am not a bitch who would do something behind your back. I care for friends and not like you did with Liz the whole time by not telling her anything about us or me!", and there was it. Izzy gave Amanda a slap on the face and it was quiet for a couple of moments. Liz was looking at Amanda, Amanda at Izzy, Izzy at Amanda and John at Liz.

,,No..", Amandas voice began to break. She ran out of the room. ,, Amanda!", Liz tried to get up but John pushed her softly down. ,,I will search for her. And is better if you go now. You did too much trouble.", he opend the door and Izzy left with a dead stare. Liz thought that she didn't even knew what she was doing. She decided to sleep till John would return, because she got a headache from all the trouble.
While Liz was asleep, John tried to find Amanda. He even got out of the hospital and then he found her.

Amanda kneeled behind an egde in the shadow, she cried. ,,Hey..", John slowly walked over to her and patted her back. ,,Shh.. don't cry..", he felt the kind of pain Amanda gone trough. It is not pain like the slap, trust, sadness, heartbreak in one. ,, She..n-never had d-done that before..", she was tired and just done. ,,Come with me. You can rest. I will bring you to Liz, ok? There is another bed in her room and you can rest there and talk to her. I will be right in front the room making sure no one will hurt you both.", John lifted her up and brought her to Liz. ,,She is sleeping already John.", whispered Amanda. John nodded. ,, Just lay there. I will tell the doctors about you so that you can stay here.", John smiled.

Amanda smiled a bit too. ,,Thank you, John!", she was really happy, that she was embraced so warmly from them even if they didn't know each other well. He left the room and Amanda looked to Liz, thought about her for a while and then laid down with her face to Liz. ,,I am sorry Liz. I didn't mean to fight again..", her tears rolled down her cheeks again. ,,No need to apologize.", Liz smiled. She was awake! Amanda was smiling truthfully. ,,Amanda, bring your bed next to mine. It would be better not to be alone now, right?", Amanda nodded and did as said. They both looked at each other.

,,Are you in pain? Does your cheek hurt?", Liz slowly caressed Amandas cheek with her hand and Amanda closed her eyes, just feeling the touch. ,,Not at the moment. Not that kind of pain, you know?", she opened the eyes again and looked down. ,,I am really sorry that I was getting loud and just left the room in anger. I should have stayed here, protecting you.", Liz was thinking. ,,No, it was good that you got out. I was having a break from everything and thought about it a little bit before I fell asleep. Now try to sleep a bit ok? We will talk when you are more relaxed and not crying that much, ok love?", Amanda looked at Liz and smiled. ,,Thanks Liz. I should be there for you but at the moment you do so much more for me.", she came a bit nearer to liz and cuddled a bit. Liz allowed that as long as Amanda could sleep like that. And even Liz left the reality for dreams.


Izzy.. that wasn't right.

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